2021 Session Topics RESNET is seeking session nominations for the following topics: 1. The New Frontier of RESNET There are new initiatives that will launch the HERS® industry to new levels. This topic will explore energy code compliance, HERSH2O, rating the efficiency of the performance of HVAC systems, and new certification opportunities. 2. Uncovering Building Science, Water Efficiency, and Health This topic will dive into the latest and greatest technology and practices the industry has to offer that will improve the health of homes, residential energy, and water efficiency. 3. Steering Energy Policy & Programs Get engaged! The 2020 election promises to offer significant policy changes. How will energy and water efficiency programs change to face a new reality? Learn how could Raters stay involved with code compliance, the IECC, local and national programs. 4. Navigating Finance and the Real Estate Home energy performance and HERS® Ratings are increasingly becoming mainstream in the finance and real estate markets. Sessions in this topic will connect attendees with current trends and the prospects it presents. USE YOUR VOICE! SUBMIT YOUR SESSION IDEA HERE. SESSION NOMINATIONS FOR 2021 ARE NOW OPEN AND WILL CLOSE SEPTEMBER 24, 2020.