Sponsor the 2021 Conference Show your support for RESNET & the Building Performance Industry! With a wide range of options, select the sponsorship that will help showcase your company the most! Download our prospectus and review the information below for benefits and deliverables for sponsoring. Click on the “+” sign to view details about the sponsorship options. Questions? Contact Emma Bennett. 1) Sponsorship is considered a contribution to RESNET; 2) Sponsorships are not refundable once paid; 3) If the conference is canceled in the current or upcoming year due to uncontrollable factors, paid sponsorships will be used for the next year’s conference. 4) By registering, Exhibitors are Sponsorships and comply with the above policies. TIER 1: Platinum Event Sponsor $12,500 Platinum Event Sponsor Sponsorship includes: 15 complimentary attendee passes for staff or customers to attend virtual event ($7,500 value) Receive attendee contact liste post-conference ($6,400 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,000 value) Complimentary “Scavenger Hunt” card ($500 vlaue) – See marketing add-ons for details 20% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($500+ value) Designated social post on RESNET social media highlighting company sponsorship and virtual booth ($500 value) Live-stream break sponsorship: 10-minute break promoting your product or service on the virtual platform (Sponsor must provide video) ($4,000 value) Sponsored e-blast to attendees ($1,000 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conferene website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials Total value $17,000+ – SAVE $4,500! RESNET Supplier’s Advisory Board (SAB) members can purchase this for an additional $2,500 above their annual membership fee. Visit reset.us/sab/ for more information. Sponsor Now TIER 2: Diamond Event Sponsor $10,000 Diamond Event Sponsor Sponsorship includes: 12 complimentary attendee passes for staff or customers to attend virtual event ($6,000 value) Receive attendee contact list post-conference ($1,000 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,000 value) Complimentary “Scavenger Hunt” card ($500 Value) – See marketing add-ons for details 20% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($500+ value) Designated social post on RESNET social media highlighting company sponsorship and virtual booth ($500 value) Sponsor commercial: 30-second commercial (Sponsor must provide video) to be presented between live-stream sessions ($2,000 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials Total value $12,500+ – SAVE $2,500! RESNET Supplier’s Advisory Board (SAB) members can receive this sponsorship package as part of their annual membership fee. Visit resnet.us/sab/ for more information. Sponsor Now TIER 3: Gold Event Sponsor $8,000 Gold Event Sponsor Sponsorship includes: 10 complimentary attendee passes for staff or customers to attend virtual event ($5,000 value) Receive attendee contact list post-conference ($1,000 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,000 value) Complimentary “Scavenger Hunt” card ($500 value) – See marketing add-ons for details 20% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($500+ value) Designated social post on RESNET social media highlighting company sponsorship and virtual booth ($500 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials Total value $9,500+ – SAVE $1,500! Sponsor Now TIER 4: Silver Event Sponsor $6,000 Select one of the following options below! Network Event Sponsor (Limited 3) (Limited to Three Sponsorships) Opportunity to host interactive networking event for attendees during conference. Includes social post on RESNET network and giveaway of item valued at $500. Sponsor will work with production company and RESNET staff to produce session. Silver à la carte packages include the following: 7 attendee passes to virtual event ($3,500 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,000 value) 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Recognition as a sponsor with comopany logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials Sponsor Now Lunch and Learn (Limited 3) (Limited to Three Sponsorships) Opportunity to present during live-stream session for up to 45-minutes – Sponsor will work with production company and RESNET staff to produce session. Silver à la carte packages include the following: 7 attendee passes to virtual event ($3,500 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,000 value) 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Recognition as a sponsor with comopany logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials Sponsor Now TIER 5: Bronze Sponsorships $4,000 Select one of the following options below! Workout Class Sponsor (Limited 3) (Limited to Three Sponsorships) Sponsor a 45-minute workout class prior to live stream event. Includes: 30-second video promotion prior to class (Sponsor must provide video) Includes social post on RESNET network & giveaway of an item valued at $100 Bronze à la carte packages include the following: 5 attendee passes to virtual event ($2,500 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,00 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Sponsor Now Cocktail Class Sponsor (Limited 3) (Limited to Three Sponsorships) Sponsor a 30-minute cocktail class prior to the networking event. Includes: 30-second video promotion prior to class (Sponsor must provide video) Includes social post on RESNET network & giveaway of an item valued at $100 Bronze à la carte packages include the following: 5 attendee passes to virtual event ($2,500 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,00 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Sponsor Now Virtual Exhibitor + Marketing Bundle Receive all marketing add-ons to attract attendees to your virtual booth (save $500!) Bronze à la carte packages include the following: 5 attendee passes to virtual event ($2,500 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,00 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Sponsor Now Break Sponsor 10-minute (maximum) break to promote your product service on the virtual platform with a pre-recorded video (Sponsor must provide video) Bronze à la carte packages include the following: 5 attendee passes to virtual event ($2,500 value) Free expo booth in virtual exhibit hall ($2,00 value) Recognition as a sponsor with company logo on conference website and in all pre-conference marketing and registration materials 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Sponsor Now TIER 6: Virtual Exhibitor $2,000 Company will have a profile created in the virtual “expo” on the RESNET conference platform. Virtual Exhibitor Sponsorship includes: 3 attendee passes to the virtual event ($1,500 value) 10% off 2022 exhibit hall booth registration ($250 value) Sponsor Now Marketing Add-Ons Note: Companies must purchase a sponsorship package or à la carte sponsorship opportunity to purchase marketing add-ons. Sponsors may not have the opportunity to promote their company with all marketing deliverables when signing up later than December 31, 2020. Be sure to sign up early to ensure you are well promoted! $3,000 Full Marketing Bundle Receive ALL add-ons in the add-on categories below (total value of $5,000!) $2,000 Add-On Sponsor Commercial 30-second commercial between live-stream sessions (Sponsor must provide video) $1,000 Add-On E-Blast Dedicated e-blast through the RESNET server to engage attendees pre-conference Post-Conference Attendee List Receive conference attendee list post-conference $500 Add-Ons Social Media Post Dedicated social post on RESNET’s social media highlighting company sponsorship and virtual booth Scavenger Hunt Card Give attendees a reason to find your booth! For a chance to win prizes, attendees will have to prove they chatted with a representative from your company on the virtual platform