Speaker names that are underlined are links to their presentations. TWO DAY COURSES Saturday & Sunday – February 26-27, 2011 [8:00 AM – 5:00 PM] Manual-J for HERS® Raters (by ACCA EPIC Trainer) Presenters: Isaac Savage, Home Energy Partners Kyle Brown, Home Energy Partners Grand Ballroom- Salon I This is a 2-day pre-conference training class, provided by an ACCA EPIC trainer. As a session designed for HERS® Raters, this class will cover the basic HVAC design process and detailed coverage of Manual-J. Specific attention will be paid toward proper modeling of envelope tightness, ventilation systems, and advanced wall systems. Students will be able to use Wrightsoft software during the class to complete in-class/homework examples. The attendees will complete the class with the skills needed to properly perform computerized room-by-room Manual-J load calculations. Cost: $595 (Pre-registration is required) LEED for Homes Green Rater Training Presenter: USGBC Faculty Grand Ballroom- Salon III As of January 1, 2011, all registered LEED for Homes projects must have a LEED for Homes Green Rater on the verification team and HERS® Raters are ideal professionals to conduct the required performance testing and verify the home’s green measures. LEED for Homes Green Raters must meet professional eligibility qualifications, participate in the Green Rater Training, and pass an assessment before verifying LEED for Homes projects. Once in the field, they complete a mentorship before earning their certificate. The result: A strong credible program supported by arguably the most qualified, competent and successful green raters in the industry. Join us for the 2 day workshop portion of the training. Upon (and included) in registration, you will receive access to 5 online learning modules that must be completed before arriving to the workshop portion. Cost: Early Bird price for employees of USGBC Member companies: $660, Early Bird for non-members: $795 ONE DAY COURSES Sunday February 27, 2011 [8:00 AM – 5:00 PM] Building Performance Marketing Symposium Presenters: Wally Conway, Shane Monday, Ken Compton, Sean Zobaa & Dallas Jones, Home Energy Team Institute Home Energy Team Institute will hold a one day marketing symposium for Auditors, Raters and Contractors with featured marketing experts teaching the nuts and bolts of marketing in the world of building performance to residential property owners. From how to build your home performance team, creating a performance marketing program, where and who to market, to free public relations strategies. Business attire is suggested. Pre-registration is required. 2009 IECC International Energy Conservation Code Fundamentals Presenter: Terry A. Collins, Direct Energy Official ICC International Code Council Curriculum. Developed by the ICC Training and Education Department. Six hour class with the goal that attendees will be able to apply the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code to increase the efficient use of energy in the construction of new buildings and alterations to existing buildings. This seminar provides an overview of critical concepts of the 2009 IECC. These concepts provide a basis for the correct use of the code in the design, plan review, inspection and analysis of projects. It will provide a clear understanding and correct use of the requirements identified by these basic code provisions, tables, and categorizations. Participants will apply the code in clear-cut situations and build their understanding of the intent of the code when asked to make code compliance decisions. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will be discussed. The objectives of this course are that participants will be better able to: Locate general topics in the 2009 IECC Locate applicable tables in the 2009 IECC for specific situations Apply code requirements to real-world situations Explain the intent behind code requirements Identify borderline scenarios as compliant or noncompliant Identify essential code components for designing energy-efficient building thermal envelopes, energy-efficient mechanical design principals and electrical power and lighting systems Attendees will receive a 2009 IECC Code Book and also a 2009 IECC Workbook for use during and after the course. Pre-registration is required. HALF DAY COURSES Sunday February 27, 2011 [8:00 AM – Noon] HERS® 101 Presenter: Abe Kruger, Kruger Sustainability Group Many individuals attend the RESNET Conference to determine whether they will enter the rating industry. Many of the sessions offered in past conferences are a bit too high in jargon and assumed knowledge for persons just entering the rating industry. This session will introduce a beginner to the rating industry and provide a context for the other more advanced sessions to be offered at the conference. Pre-registration is required. Credentialing Retrofit Energy Calculations Presenter: Greg Thomas, PSD Session on the process and reasoning and next steps behind the RESNET credentialing of retrofit energy calculation software. Pre-registration is required. Evaluating Hot Water Distribution System Efficiency Presenter: Gary Klein, Managing Partner, Affiliated International Management, LLC The water heater is located in one place. The hot water outlets are located all over the house. Some are close to the water heater. Some are far away. Some are close to each other. Some are all alone. It is relatively straightforward to determine the efficiency of the water heater, but what about the hot water distribution system? Can the performance of the existing hot water distribution system be improved without major re-piping? If so, what are the best techniques to do this? In new construction what are the most water, energy and time efficient ways to install a hot water distribution system for a given floor plan? This session will explore the answers to these questions using two different teaching techniques. For existing buildings, we will have the participants evaluate hot water distribution systems based on the time-to-tap and volume-to-hot to different hot water outlets for “cold start” and “hot start” (the trunk line to what is likely to be the furthest fixture from the water heater is primed with hot water) For new construction we will evaluate hit water distribution systems by laying out the plumbing for a typical building on the floor of the classroom. The floor plan is laid out in advance using tape to identify the plumbing locations. The layout is done full scale so that people can get a good feel for the actual lengths, volumes and times involved for each plumbing layout. Tape of different widths is used to represent the diameters of pipe needed for the installation. Volunteers from the audience are asked to help with the various aspects of the class. Pre-registration is required. Sunday February 27, 2011 [1:00 PM – 5:00 PM] REM/Rate Training Presenters: Robert Salcido, Architectural Energy Corporation Brian Christensen, Architectural Energy Corporation This session will teach basic and advanced features of the REM/Rate software. Data input, reporting, analysis, exporting, importing as well as little known features will be covered. Pre-registration is required. Using Infrared Thermography ALL Year Presenter: John Snell & Matt Schwoegler, The Snell Group Too many of us think of thermal imaging as useful only during the winter. Even people who have imaging systems tend to leave them on the shelf in the summer and the fall and spring “swing seasons.” This presentation will discuss in detail what you need to do to get good results all year long AND when you might get in trouble trying. There is a limit of 30 students for this course Cost: $50 (Pre-registration is required) Evaluating the Performance of Drain Water Heat Recovery Presenters: Gary Klein, Managing Partner, Affiliated International Management, LLC; Vertical product manufacturer: Gerald Van Decker, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. President and CEO, RenewABILITY Energy Inc. Horizontal Product Manufacturer: David Velan, Ecodrain Capturing waste heat from hot water before it leaves the building is one important way to improve the performance and efficiency of a hot water system. Drain water heat recovery systems have been available for several years and the technology now includes both vertical and (almost) horizontal products. This session will explore the current state of the technology including the efficiency in different configurations, show examples of the best applications, and discuss how to incorporate drain water heat recovery systems into energy ratings. Pre-registration is required WaterSense Provider Training Presenter: Matt Stevens, Green Zone Homes WaterSense, a voluntary partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has recently released its Single-Family New Home Specification. To earn the WaterSense label, builders must have their homes inspected and certified to meet EPA’s specification criteria by an EPA licensed certification provider. Are you interested in learning more about EPA’s WaterSense new homes specification and how you can become licensed to certify and label new homes for the WaterSense program? EPA is teaming up with RESNET to provide WaterSense labeled new home inspection and certification training for potential licensed certification providers. This training is a requirement for QA personnel from organizations interested in certifying new homes for the WaterSense program. Have your QA personnel attend this training to learn about the WaterSense new homes program, including the inspection and certification process; satisfy the training requirement, which is the first step in EPA’s approval and licensing process; and find out how simple it is for your organization to add WaterSense new home certification services to your portfolio. *Please note this session is only for individuals that want to become WaterSense Providers. An informational session on the WaterSense Program will be offered as a core conference breakout session. Cost: $150 (Pre-registration is required) COMMITTEE AND BOARD MEETINGS Saturday February 26, 2011 RESNET Quality Assurance and Ethics Committee 9:00 AM – Noon – Hibiscus Open to Public RESNET Technical Committee 1:00 – 4:00 PM – Hibiscus Open to Public Sunday February 27, 2011 RESNET Training and Education Committee 9:00 AM – Noon – Hibiscus Open to Public RESNET Board Meeting 2:00 – 5:00 PM – Crystal Open to Public GENERAL SESSION Conference Registration 7:00 AM – Grand Ballroom Foyer Continental Breakfast – Exhibits Open 7:30 – 8:30 AM – International Ballroom Opening General Session 8:30 AM – Noon – Grand Ballroom Welcome to RESNET Conference RESNET Board President Welcome to Florida James Fenton, Florida Solar Energy Center RESNET Update Steve Baden, RESNET Executive Director Building Performance in Europe Eduardo Maldonado, EU EPBD Concerted Action Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Wes Davis, Director of the Quality Assured Program for ACCA Insulation Contractor Association of America (ICAA) Michael Kwart, Executive Director ICAA Leading Builders of America Ken Gear, Executive Director Leading Builders of America LEED for Homes Nate Kredich, Vice President of Residential Market Development, USGBC The Role of Building Performance: International Perspective Jens Lausten, International Energy Agency RESNET Leadership Awards RESNET Board President ENERGY STAR Awards Presentation Sam Rashkin, ENERGY STAR Homes, Environmental Protection Agency Indoor airPLUS Award Presentation Eric Werling, Indoor airPLUS, Environmental Protection Agency SESSION 1 [1:30 PM - 3:00 PM] ENERGY STAR Version 3 from a Raters Perspective Presenter: Robby Schwarz, EnergyLogic Grand Ballroom- Salon I If you have not started getting the word out you are behind the eight ball. Energy Star version 3 is a giant step forward yet a step backward. Just like when the Thermal Bypass Checklist was introduced, we will need to slow down and train. Will many Builders leave the program and will many Rating businesses follow suit? Don’t throw out the dish water just yet. Energy Star Version 3 really is an incremental change not a bomb shell. Start a New Day with LEED for Homes Presenters: Jennifer Owens, USGBC Residential Market Development Grand Ballroom- Salon II Green and energy certification programs have spurred industry and leaders all across the country. They have raised the bar on how we build and renovated homes today, and continue to have a greater and greater presence in the market place. With nearly 27,000 registrations and over 7,400 certified homes, the LEED for Homes program is booming with opportunity. Each home requires third-party onsite verification and HERS® Raters are ideal professionals to conduct the required performance testing and verify the home’s green measures. Join us for the who, what and how of the LEED for Homes Green Rater Program. The Profitable Provider Presenter: Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors Grand Ballroom- Salon III Designing a profitable business system can be difficult, but there are some principles that can guide you to the path of profitability. This session will provide those principles, using proven techniques to project and measure profitability in a Provider business The End of the One-Week Training Presenter: Ethan MacCormick, PSD Grand Ballroom- Salon VI The home performance/energy rating industry has matured past the point where week-long entry level trainings are practical or desirable. Increased standards and expectations have driven the need for mentoring programs, online self-paced study, and integration of building science in semester length college/vo-tech programs. Performance Systems Academy has recognized the inherent limitations in the “old way” of training, and has begun to use licensing, the internet, mentoring, and alternative schedules to deliver training that improves student comprehension and long term performance. “Drinking from a fire hose” is no longer the only or best way to join the building performance world. RESNET New EnergySmart Contractor Guidelines Presenters: Orlo Stitt, Stitt Energy Systems Dallas Jones, Home Energy Team Institute Wes Davis, Air Conditioning Contractors of America Grand Ballroom- Salon VII RESNET has adopted new guidelines for the designation of RESNET EnergySmart Contractors. The guidelines require that EnergySmart Contractors must be teamed with Comprehensive Energy Home Energy Raters and Building Performance Auditors. The provisions also create EnergySmart Comprehensive Energy Retrofit Teams. These teams must involve a energy rater, a qualified HVAC contractor and a qualified insulator/air sealer. This session will explain the new guidelines and explore the opportunities presented for raters. Labeling the Energy Performance of Buildings: An International Perspective Presenter: Jens Lausten, International Energy Agency Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII Providing consumers information on the energy performance of the buildings they will occupy is increasingly seen as an effective method to create a a value for high performance in the market place. The International Energy Agency recently published a study on the more successful efforts across the world. The study featured RESNET and ENERGY STAR as voluntary programs that have been successful in the U.S. This session will explore how the labeling of energy performance is working internationally. Comprehensive Retrofits – Combustion Safety: Do No Harm Presenter: Joe Kuonen, CLEAResult Consulting, Inc. Crystal Effective insulation and air sealing treatments can make a huge difference in the tightness of a home. In some cases, well-intentioned work can cause undesirable and dangerous consequences. Understand the conditions that contribute to backdrafting, spillage, or carbon monoxide production. Find out how to recognize visual indicators of combustion problems. Learn how integrating combustion safety testing can lower your liability and increase your profit. Hands-on Demonstration of Air Sealing Products Presenter: Chunlin Cao, The Dow Chemical Company Scott Cummings, The Dow Chemical Company Magnolia Mock rim joists and windows with STYROFOAM Extruded Polystyrene insulation sheathing, STYROFOAM SIS Structural Insulated Sheathing and OSB sheathing are to be built so participates can use GREAT STUFF, GREAT STUFF PRO gun foams to fill gaps and cracks on the sheathing surface. The mock joists and windows should replicate the type of cavity fill one would have in actual residential constructions. Attendees have the opportunity to put a “”Gun In Hand”” and shoot foam into the window cavity and air seal a rim joist. Participants will experience first hand that gun foam is different than straw foam, and that GREAT STUFF PRO can be controlled as easily as caulk products for air sealing applications. SESSION 2 [3:30 PM - 5:00 PM] ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: Version 3 Myths vs. Reality Presenters: Sam Rashkin, US Environmental Protection Agency, ENERGY STAR for Homes Grand Ballroom- Salon I With fifteen years under our belt, over 1 million qualified homes, and more than 10,000 partners across the nation, there couldn’t possibly be any misunderstandings out there about the ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes, could there? How about these myths: ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes no longer require a HERS® rating; Passive solar homes must use low SHGC windows; HERS® raters are not allowed to size equipment and ducts; It’s extremely difficult for large homes to meet new Version 3 requirements; Water management improvements do not contribute to energy efficient performance; and the list goes on. The ENERGY STAR for Homes team would like to spend a little time debunking these and other the common misconceptions about the program. Join the entire staff of the ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes team for a lively question and answer session on all things ENERGY STAR for Homes, with a special focus on the new Version 3 guidelines. The New Look of DOE’s Builders Challenge – 2012 Program Update Presenters: David Lee, US DOE Jamie Lyons, Builders Challenge Representative Grand Ballroom- Salon II U.S. DOE’s Builders Challenge has been a powerful market recognition tool for home builders and energy raters since its inception in 2008. The program combines advanced energy efficiency and quality criteria for comfort, durability, and IAQ along with the EnergySmart Home Scale(TM) to help consumers easily understand and compare a home’s energy performance. As the housing industry landscape continues to change – such as energy code updates and new building research – the Builders Challenge will evolve as well. The program’s objective will remain clear: to provide market recognition for the top performing homes in the country, but the specific program requirements will change in 2012. This session will discuss the draft revisions to the 2012 Builders Challenge, including its relationship to ENERGY STAR Homes V3 and the stringency of the updated energy requirements. Attendees will also have the opportunity to comment on the draft provisions before they are finalized in Spring 2011. COMNET Commercial Buildings Energy Modeling Guidelines and Procedures Presenter: Charles Eley, Architectural Energy Corporation Grand Ballroom- Salon III The COMNET Commercial Buildings Energy Modeling Guidelines and Procedures (MGP) provide standard rules that can be implemented in existing energy modeling software programs. The MGP manual is COMNET’s initial product and may now be referenced by vendors and other rating organizations. As a result of a public comment and review process, it is the first national consensus guideline for the commercial building energy rating processes. It is intended for use in qualifying for federal tax deductions, green building ratings and energy labels. The MGP provides simple rules and procedures for calculating predicted energy use of a building based on the building’s physical characteristics under standard conditions. COMNET compliant software will automatically generate a hypothetical standard reference building thus simplifying comparison to this baseline building. The use of standard conditions for occupancy, schedules, climate, and environment enable the calculation of a standard “asset rating.” The presentation will discuss COMNET’s calculation rules for both the subject building and the reference building, input restrictions, and baseline definitions for a comprehensive list of building features and parameters. Economically Scalable Model for Retrofitting America’s Homes. From Home Star to Forward Capacity< Presenters: Jared Asch, Efficiency First Matt Golden, Recurve Grand Ballroom- Salon VI Despite broad political support Congress has not passed the Home Star program. This session will explore its chances in passing in the next session of Congress and what the building performance industry can do. I Wanna Know the Code: Learn the IECC 2009! Presenter: Mike Barcik, Southface Grand Ballroom- Salon VII Energy Codes are getting lots of attention. Thanks to ARRA funding every state has agreed to adopt and enforce the 2009 IECC and demonstrate 90% compliance. Don’t get caught behind the times – Come and learn the important provisions of the latest energy code, including the crucial role played by Raters in terms of verification. Participants in this session will learn • the mandatory requirements (e.g., air sealing, duct insulation) • the three pathways to demonstrate compliance (a Rater can perform all three) • the common ways that homes fail compliance and what to look out for The session will conclude with a review of financial opportunities for raters (inspections, compliance, testing and verification) and an overview of the tools and checklists available to help demonstrate compliance. Update on Status of European Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Presenter: Eduardo Maldonado, EU EPBD Concerted Action Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII Through the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) the European Union (EU) requires that all buildings be rated at the time of sale or change of occupancy. The EPBD also mandates bringing buildings up to the energy code when major renovations are made to the building. The EPBD is being coordinated by the Concerted Action which is composed of representatives of all of the EU member nations. RESNET has been in a dialog with the EPBD Concerted Action with the goal of harmonizing rating protocols in the US and EU. This session will review the progress of the EU’s EPBD and learn of the updates to the initiative. Comprehensive Retrofits – What Your HVAC Contractor Needs You to Know Before You Call Presenters: Joe Kuonen, CLEAResult Consulting, Inc. Wes Davis, Air Conditioning Contractors of America Crystal Get to know the HVAC system and opportunities for improvement. This knowledge will help optimize the HVAC contractors time when you do. Some design and installation considerations can lower equipment efficiency and capacity, lower air filter efficacy, kill compressors, and create a chain for negative IAQ events. How do you recognize a big opportunity for improving system efficiency? Method to Diagnose Window Failures and Measure U-Values on Site Presenters: Kapil Varshney, Taitem Engineering, PC Javier Rosa, Taitem Engineering, PC Ian Shapiro, Taitem Engineering, PC Dogwood/Camellia Window U-value information is critical to calculate overall energy load for a residential or commercial building. However, U-values of windows are difficult to obtain at sites because most of the time, NFRC (National Fenestration Rating Council) rated stickers on windows are taken off after installation. Further, it is almost impossible to detect any of a variety of window failures, such as the loss of insulating gases, leaky or cracked storm windows, and localized air leakage. A novel method to calculate window U-value by measuring three temperatures using an infrared (IR) thermometer is presented. Experimental and field tests on several full-scale window systems/types have been performed to obtain U-values. Results show that the U-values calculated using IR thermometers match well with the rated U-values of the windows. Several storm windows together with single or double pane windows were tested and the combined U-values of units were calculated. Finally, argon from a double pane window was removed deliberately and results confirmed the leakage using the proposed method. RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Roundtable Presenters: Steve Baden, RESNET Clinton Heyn, RESNET Kathy Spigarelli, RESNET Hibiscus/Iris RESNET standards require that all Quality Assurance Designees must participate in a two hour RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Roundtable. This session will meet this requirement. The roundtable will provide an update to Quality Assurance Designees and provide an opportunity to provide feedback to RESNET. Now for the Exciting Part: An On-site Tour of a LEED-certified Home (3:30-5:30) USGBC *Pre-registration is required for this tour through the conference registration system The tour is full email jlowens@usgbc.org to be placed on the waiting list. Join us for a tour of a nearby LEED-certified Home! We’ll ask the team of professionals who worked on the LEED project to highlight the project’s successes and lessons learned from both the project team and the verification team’s perspective. They’ll also discuss how the two teams worked together to bring the project to fruition. RESNET Reception 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM – International Ballroom RESNET Sampling Protocol Group Discussion Moderator: Daran Wastchak 6:30 – 9:00 PM – Grand Ballroom- Salon I Chapter 6 on Sampling went into effect (January 1, 2008) and now that the QA Changes are completed the sampling standards need to be amended. This group discussion will be the launching point for a formal round of changes to Chapter 6 that will be completed in 2011. SESSION 3 [8:30 AM - 10:00 AM] ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: Multi-Family is Ready for Prime Time Presenters: Sam Rashkin, US Environmental Protection Agency, ENERGY STAR for Homes Team Grand Ballroom- Salon I EPA is expanding ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes to mid- and high-rise multifamily buildings. This session will outline program protocols and support provided by EPA, including an overview of modeling and testing and verification procedures specific to the multifamily building sector. Since the pilot for this program began, ENERGY STAR has labeled 10 building projects. Each of the buildings in these projects is designed to perform at least 20% better than ASHRAE 90-1 (2004). This includes completed buildings in New York, Oregon, Georgia, New Jersey, and projects in the development phase in California, Colorado and Wisconsin. The session will highlight building case studies from the pilot along with lessons learned implementing the program around the country. RESNET HERS® Index and Large Production Homebuilders Presenters: Jacob Atalla, KB Homes CR Herro, Meritage Homes David Kaiserman, Lennar Homes Grand Ballroom- Salon II Large production homebuilders are increasingly seeing a home energy rating as an opportunity to market their homes energy efficiency. This session will feature representatives of three of the largest homebuilders in the U.S. to explore their plans to have their homes energy rated and the market implications of a home energy rating. What Clients Want: How to Find It, How to get Paid for It Presenter: Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors Grand Ballroom- Salon III Are you struggling with trying to figure out what clients want and how you can meet their needs? Taking a real world approach, we will reveal our process for determining what clients want and how we can meet their needs, establishing value for our services for which they are willing to pay. Find Out What the New Retrofit Guidelines Mean to You Presenters: John Tooley, Advanced Energy Benjamin Goldstein, U.S. DOE Grand Ballroom- Salon VI DOE, NREL, and several other groups have worked tirelessly to develop new national retrofit guidelines. Learn from those that worked on the project what these guidelines mean to you, how you should use them, and how they will help you improve your work. Learn about the plans for implementation, training, and monitoring. A fantastic opportunity to learn about these national guidelines from those that created them! RESNET Quality Assurance – Lessons Learned from 2010, Looking forward to 2011 (Part One) Presenters: Daran Wastchak, D.R. Wastchak Clinton Heyn, RESNET Grand Ballroom- Salon VII RESNET’s new Chapter 9 devoted to Quality Assurance has created many new requirements and responsibilities for Raters, Rating Providers and RESNET. Get an overview of these new items, how they impact you as a Rater or Provider, and lessons learned from RESNET’s implementation of the new requirements in 2010 and plans for 2011. This session will provide lots of information but also provide lots of opportunity for questions and answers for the audience. (this will be back to back sessions) BIBS vs. BOBS Presenters: Dan Stoner, Brand Manager, Blow In Blanket Kristin Bennett, Executive Director, BIBCA Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII The Blow In Blanket System® (BIBS) is the original, high-performance wall and ceiling insulation system. Because of it’s high-density and custom-fitting qualities, BIBS® minimizes air infiltration, reduces heat and sound transmission and prevents settling. Introduced in 1983, BIBS® has been installed in over 2 million homes in North America in conjunction with our fiber-manufacturer partners (Certainteed, Johns Manville and Knauf). As with all insulation products, the key to a good job is a professional installation. A network of over 500 trained and certified BIBS® dealers install the system, providing a quality, energy-efficient product at a moderate price. BIBCA (The Blow in Blanket Contractors Association) is the nonprofit partner of BIBS®; made up of quality-committed insulation professionals from across the US and Canada. In the presentation, you will learn the difference between true BIBS® and the many imitation systems that have cropped up in recent years. RESNET raters should know the characteristics of a proper BIBS® installation, and understand how & why untested systems often come-up short. Comprehensive Retrofits – Mass Retrofit of the Retrofit Market Presenters: Jared Asch, Efficiency First (moderator) Steve Baden, RESNET Wes Davis, ACCA Amy Fazio, ACI Ely Jacobsohn, DOE Iain Walker, LBNL Larry Zarker, BPI Crystal Achieving mass market understanding and buy in of existing whole house retrofits has not been an easy road and many of our efforts have been met with mixed results and failures. How can we as an industry collaborate to build our own value proposition and transform this market ourselves? With a firm understanding of past efforts, comprehensive research, and attainable goals, we will move our work into mainstream understanding. Let us begin the discussion. Information discussed will lay the framework for the ACI Industry Summit that will be held March 28 – 29 in San Francisco. National Residential Efficiency Measures Database Presenter: Dave Roberts, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Dogwood/Camellia The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is developing the National Residential Efficiency Measures Database on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy. The purpose of this project is to provide a national unified database of residential building retrofit measures and associated costs. These data will be accessible to software programs that evaluate cost-effective retrofit measures to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings. This publicly accessible, centralized database of retrofit measures offers the following benefits: • Provides information in a standardized format • Improves the technical consistency and accuracy of the results of software programs • Supports building science R&D • Enhances transparency Dave Roberts from NREL will provide an overview of the measures database project, progress to date, and planned enhancements for the future. Conditioned Floor Area: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? Presenter: Bruce Harley, Conservation Services Group Hibiscus/Iris In December, the RESNET board passed an interpretation on the meaning and use of “conditioned floor area”. This session will explore the following: • The background and rationale of the interpretation • How to make sure you are correctly using the interpretation in your ratings • How this impacts the HERS® index, Energy Star ratings, and the Size Adjustment Factor • Discussion on what the next steps will be to amend and formalize definitions in the RESNET standard Hands-on Demonstration of Air Sealing Products Presenter: Chunlin Cao, The Dow Chemical Company Scott Cummings, The Dow Chemical Company Magnolia Mock rim joists and windows with STYROFOAM Extruded Polystyrene insulation sheathing, STYROFOAM SIS Structural Insulated Sheathing and OSB sheathing are to be built so participates can use GREAT STUFF, GREAT STUFF PRO gun foams to fill gaps and cracks on the sheathing surface. The mock joists and windows should replicate the type of cavity fill one would have in actual residential constructions. Attendees have the opportunity to put a “”Gun In Hand”” and shoot foam into the window cavity and air seal a rim joist. Participants will experience first hand that gun foam is different than straw foam, and that GREAT STUFF PRO can be controlled as easily as caulk products for air sealing applications. SESSION 4 [10:30 AM - NOON] ENERGY STAR Concept Home: The Road to Net Zero Homes Presenter: Sam Rashkin, US Environmental Protection Agency, ENERGY STAR for Homes Grand Ballroom- Salon I EPA is introducing a new label for leading edge builders called the ENERGY STAR Concept Home. Effectively this label defines a net-zero-ready home. This is achieved by ensuring a longer-term 100-year building life is used as the basis for selecting improvements to the thermal enclosure, HVAC system, and water protection system. Then critical measures are included to minimize the risk of indoor air quality problems and maximize water conservation inside the home. EPA will also be encouraging builders to apply practical design solutions that minimize size and maximize control of incident solar gain. Lastly, full consideration will be given to technologies and practices that address occupant behavior. Only after all these innovations have been fully integrated are homes truly ready for renewable power systems. Learn about this thoughtful approach to net-zero-ready homes and how EPA anticipates it will serve as the proving ground for the next generation ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes specifications (Version 4). DOE Weatherization and You Presenters: Steve Byers, EnergyLogic Kam Jaspal, EnergyLogic Grand Ballroom- Salon II What role can/does the Energy Rater play in working with DOE’s low-income weatherization programs. EnergyLogic has an innovative partnership with Veterans Green Jobs in servicing the largest weatherization agency in Colorado. This session will explore that journey and specifically discuss what Energy Raters can bring to the weatherization table and what perhaps doesn’t work Overview of Chapter Eight of the RESNET Standards Presenters: Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors Iain Walker, LBL Gary Nelson, The Energy Conservatory Grand Ballroom- Salon III RESNET has developed a new standard that includes performance testing of homes. The standards address envelope leakage, duct leakage, IR Scanning and Combustion Appliance Safety testing. This session will introduce the new standards. Home Energy Score Presenter: Joan Glickman, U.S. Department of Energy Grand Ballroom- Salon VI The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) launched the Home Energy Score on November 9, 2010. This program focuses on existing homes and helps implement key recommendations of the Vice President’s Middle Class Task Force, as outlined in the report Recovery Though Retrofit. The Home Energy Score allows a homeowner to compare her or his home’s energy consumption to that of other homes, similar to a vehicle’s mile-per-gallon rating. This strategy is intended to support and compliment existing residential energy efficiency programs across the country. Home Energy Score is being piloted in 10 regions until summer 2011. This session will inform RESNET participants about the Home Energy Score program design and pilots, and give them an opportunity to ask questions directly to DOE staff, and to discuss other market challenges to scaling energy efficiency improvements. www.homeenergyscore.gov RESNET Quality Assurance – Lessons Learned from 2010, Looking forward to 2011 (Part Two) Presenters: Daran Wastchak, D.R. Wastchak Clinton Heyn, RESNET Grand Ballroom- Salon VII RESNET’s new Chapter 9 devoted to Quality Assurance has created many new requirements and responsibilities for Raters, Rating Providers and RESNET. Get an overview of these new items, how they impact you as a Rater or Provider, and lessons learned from RESNET’s implementation of the new requirements in 2010 and plans for 2011. This session will provide lots of information but also provide lots of opportunity for questions and answers for the audience. (this will be back to back sessions) Set Yourself Apart: Get Green Certified to the National Green Building Standard Presenters: Michelle Desiderio, Director of Green Building Programs, NAHB Research Center Jamie Hager, Southern Energy Management Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII Find out how certification to the National Green Building Standard™ can help you successfully build and market green homes. As the first national green building standard approved by ANSI, this rating system is the setting the national definition of green for residential builders and developers. Come hear from a local builder and accredited verifier how the National Green Building Certification Program worked for them. This program will walk you through the basic steps involved in having a new home, multifamily building, remodeling/renovation project, and/or land development certified by the NAHB Research Center. Learn from the best (and worst) practices accredited verifiers have seen in the field, and get some insight as to what verifiers are really looking for during their inspections. Get all the information you need to get your next project Green Certified to the Standard and set yourself apart from the competition. Attendees will come out of this program understanding: • how to use the improved online green scoring tool AND new Excel-based NGBS Scoring for New Construction spreadsheet • tips of the trade (the good, bad, and ugly) from accredited green verifiers • marketing ideas from those who’ve already had construction projects certified to the national program Comprehensive Retrofits – How to Make the Phone Ring & Your Bottom Line Sing Presenter: Mike Gorman, TechKnowledge Crystal Explore strategies and concepts for marketing whole house services that successful contractors have used and why they work. Understand which techniques will enable you to win the job and start getting paid sooner. Uncover what information the homeowner needs to make decisions and how and when to present this information to facilitate a sale quickly and with confidence. Innovation in Training Presenters: Doug Donovan, Interplay Energy Anthony Cox, Community Housing Partners and the New River Center for Energy Research and Training. Matt Thornberry, EnergyLogic Dogwood/Camellia This will be a learning session on the innovation of new training tools for building science and energy auditing. From online learning to learning management systems to simulation training, pedagogy methods are evolving. The session will answer the questions: How can technology solve pain issues for training companies? How can innovative training help audit and contracting companies? How can technology address bottleneck issues in industry development? What types of continuing professional education is most effective and efficient? SESSION 5 [1:30 - 3:00 PM] “Designed To Earn The ENERGY STAR” – How Raters Can Work With Architects and Builders To Ensure Success Presenters: Matthew Vande, S Squared Design Studio, PLLC Amy Musser, PhD., PE, VandeMusser Design, PLLC Rick Gazica, ICF International Grand Ballroom- Salon I It used to be that a builder, architect, or designer could contact a HERS® rater after construction has already started to begin the process of certifying a house for Energy Star. With the introduction of Energy Star 3.0, it has become more difficult for this to be possible – especially with larger homes. It is no longer easy or straightforward to look at a custom home design and have confidence that it can meet the Energy Star label. It has become crucial for HERS® raters to be involved as early as possible in the design process to ensure that a home can be certified when all is said and done, and to avoid unmet expectations on the part of builders and homeowners. Home plans qualifying for the Designed to Earn label must now include details and specifications needed to ensure compliance with new Version 3 guidelines. This is achieved by incorporating new thermal enclosure, HVAC, and water management system measures. This session will outline the process of working with designers using the “Designed for Energy Star” program, and will discuss successes that our firms have had utilizing this system. Included in the presentation will be examples of thermal bypass details, architectural specifications, projected HERS® index, and photos of completed homes. Using Social Media to Promote Your Business Presenter: Mitch Levinson, mRELEVANCE, LLC Grand Ballroom- Salon II Social media tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and blogs can set you ahead of your competitors, and capture the attention of your customers. Learn how to use these tools to promote your business and build relationships with customers. Discover which key words will increase traffic to your site. Observe the Indoor airPLUS Facebook “expert of the week”, a real life example of keeping the Program fresh. By attending this session, participants will 1. Understand how to use social media tools to increase your exposure at no cost. 2. Receive information on different types of social media and which works best for your business. 3. Review actual examples of social media and realize their substantial influence in the marketplace. The New RESNET National Energy Audit Standards Presenters: Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors Dallas Jones, Home Energy Team Institute Grand Ballroom- Salon III This session will be an overview of the newly adopted RESNET National Energy Audit Standard. It will center on the new designations of Comprehensive Home Energy Rater and Building Performance Auditor. Diagnostic Reasoning into the 21st Century Presenter: John Tooley, Advanced Energy Grand Ballroom- Salon VII Come learn how to accelerate “diagnostic reasoning” from John Tooley. Use viral learning and experience to boost education using simulated field experience and diagnostic mapping to more quickly and efficiently evaluate needs and opportunities in a home. Learn how to create a practical tool to map out diagnostic issues and solutions, and eliminate paper. This new diagnostic reasoning uses interdependence, interaction and sequence to update, and simply the diagnostic learning process. EnergySmart Synergies, Forging Partnerships Between RESNET Raters, Auditors and the Contracting World Presenter: Daran Wastchak, D.R. Wastchak, LLC Mark Cannella, Pro Energy Consultants Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII RESNET’s new EnergySmart contractor program is opening a host of new opportunities for RESNET certified Auditors and Raters to align themselves with likeminded contractors who are versed in the language and skills that are unique and particular to the home energy retrofit market. With an ever growing demand for both energy efficiency diagnostic and retrofit/repair work for existing homes, the “Teams” approach created by the EnergySmart program will help create an extremely efficient and well coordinated offering of these services to homeowners. Learn how an national auditing franchise organization is taking advantage of EnergySmart and why they believe it is smart for their business, their bottom line, and, ultimately, their homeowner clients. Comprehensive Retofits – Close the Deal at the Kitchen Table Presenter: Mike Gorman, TechKnowledge Crystal What do consumers expect before you arrive? Are they defensive or wary of the “sales schmooze?” You can diagnose the place to pieces, but if no one wants you to fix anything, nothing gets fixed and you don’t make a dime. How do you … Use interviewing techniques and diagnostic discovery to motivate the customer and develop their desire to have their home perform? Build a trusting relationship before the work begins? Maximize your ability to communicate the technical side of diagnostics to the customer without glazing them over or boring them? Communicate confidence in your conclusions and recommendations, gain trust and close the deal at the kitchen table. The Evolution of HERS® Rater Training -Setting the Next Generation of HERS® Raters on the Path to Success Presenters: Scott Doyle, EnergyLogic Allison Bailes III, Energy Vanguard Matt Thornberry, EnergyLogic Dogwood/Camellia The Home Energy Rating Industry is a relatively young and fast-growing industry. As such, quality HERS training is crucial to the industry’s continued success. As an industry, we should be asking, “Are we doing all we can to ensure that the next generation of raters is prepared?” “Is the current popular 5 day format the only thing the market will bear?” As anyone who has taught a HERS® rater class knows, trying to cram everything a new rater needs to know into a 5 day course is a significant challenge. We try to make sure everyone has the necessary math skills, understands construction terminology and building science, can operate a Blower Door and Duct Blaster, knows the HERS® Standards, can complete two home energy ratings, and pass the national rater test – all in 5 days. Because most trainers don’t screen, essentially anyone can come to the class. More students than ever before are entering HERS® courses from outside the construction trades, making the challenge even greater. In this session we’ll explore some ways to ensure a higher success rate in HERS® training classes, including online modules that students must complete before showing up to the class, extended classes (8 days instead of 5), and multiple opportunities to pass the national rater test during the class. The amount of material we require raters to know has grown, and we offer some ideas here to help HERS® training classes expand and evolve to meet the demand. Hands-on Demonstration of Air Sealing Products Presenter: Chunlin Cao, The Dow Chemical Company Scott Cummings, The Dow Chemical Company Magnolia Mock rim joists and windows with STYROFOAM Extruded Polystyrene insulation sheathing, STYROFOAM SIS Structural Insulated Sheathing and OSB sheathing are to be built so participates can use GREAT STUFF, GREAT STUFF PRO gun foams to fill gaps and cracks on the sheathing surface. The mock joists and windows should replicate the type of cavity fill one would have in actual residential constructions. Attendees have the opportunity to put a “”Gun In Hand”” and shoot foam into the window cavity and air seal a rim joist. Participants will experience first hand that gun foam is different than straw foam, and that GREAT STUFF PRO can be controlled as easily as caulk products for air sealing applications. SESSION 6 [3:30 - 5:00 PM] ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: HVAC Quality Installation, A Concept Whose Time Has Arrived Presenters: Wes Davis, ACCA Grand Ballroom- Salon I With the ENERGY STAR Version 3 Guidelines, EPA will be requiring that HVAC systems in qualified homes be installed by a properly-trained contractor, who has demonstrated the knowledge and skills necessary to provide Quality Installation services to builders. In addition, the Version 3 guidelines will require raters to be more engaged with HVAC contractors and validate key elements of the Quality Installation requirements. Join this session to learn about how ACCA is preparing their contractors for the role that they will play in ENERGY STAR qualified home and how raters and HVAC contractors can work together to ensure that HVAC systems are properly designed and installed to meet Version 3 requirements. WaterSense Labeled New Homes: New Opportunities for Raters and Building Science Professionals Presenter: Jonah Schein, New Homes WaterSense Program, U.S. EPA Grand Ballroom- Salon II Water-efficiency is an integral but often overlooked part of green building. Although water is relatively inexpensive, the cost to repair our nation’s aging water infrastructure, coupled with recent droughts in unexpected regions such as the Southeast, have made water efficiency the next big environmental challenge. Just as saving energy was the hot green building issue of the past decade, water efficiency is becoming the newest concern for environmentally conscious home buyers. Building professionals, providers, and raters that are quick to add water-efficiency to their offerings will be well positioned to capitalize on this latest trend in green building. When the US EPA’s WaterSense program released its final specification for single family new homes in December 2009, it was the first time home buyers could easily identify new homes that offer all of the comfort and amenities of a traditional home, but use less water. In the first year of the program, companies ranging from small custom builders to large national production builders have partnered with WaterSense to build WaterSense labeled new homes. In this session, participants will not only learn more about the requirements for a WaterSense labeled new home, but also how many providers, raters, and builders are utilizing the WaterSense designation to grow a new facet of their business. “The New Normal” Presenters: Sara Gutterman, Green Builder Media Butch Gaudette, Green Builder Media Grand Ballroom- Salon III This session investigates the “New Normal” in today’s economy and looks at new value metrics that affect corporations and consumers. We will look at population market drivers and the changing consumer psyche, the concept of “Responsrugality” and consumer stewardship. We will look at what is really happening with “green” products, the near future of sustainable trends in housing, and how it relates they relate to energy efficiency. Using Fully Automated Energy Audit & Energy Rating Systems Presenters: Ken Riead, Hathmore Technologies, LLC Sharla Riead, Accurate Rater Network Grand Ballroom- Salon VI Automated online systems are being recognized and utilized by an increasingly receptive marketplace. Electronically integrating all the key players involved; energy auditors/raters, real estate professionals, lenders, energy improvement contractors and material suppliers, is vital toward growing the energy retrofit/improvement industry and creating good-paying green jobs. This session will touch upon the trend of connecting energy professional community with residential retrofit contractors & lenders and examine the currently available models. However, the main focus of this particular session will be on the EnergyARM online automated energy calculation tool and on the Home Energy Retrofit Exchange, the national energy retrofit marketplace. This combination of EnergyARM & Retrofit Exchange is now being referred to as the nation’s first “Online Energy Mortgage Origination Engine”. Energy auditors, especially energy raters & green raters, are being tasked with ever-growing responsibilities including the creation of cost-effective energy improvement analysis within constraints of specific programs, developing work orders, locating and/or tracking energy contractors, keeping detailed records, finalizing results, submitting multiple reports and archival of resulting files. Running a small business is hard enough without added administrative burdens. Fully automated audit/rating tracking systems can alleviate much of this. Attend this session to find out how. The 2011 State of Green Real Estate: What’s Real and What’s Memorex Presenter: John Beldock, Ph.D, EcoBroker International and the Association of Energy and Environmental Real Estate Professionals Grand Ballroom- Salon VII A concise update on the incentives, financing tools, and consumer education programs that are driving energy efficiency updates in the current market. Which programs are resulting in actual updates and who is behind them? What’s on the horizon to strengthen energy auditing and home energy contracting? Plus a discussion of where to find the leads for your auditing/rating or contracting business? What’s working, and how can you work it to execute on the win-win in the residential energy improvement space. RESNET National Buildings Registry Presenters: Steve Byers, EnergyLogic Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center Lei Wang, Apogee Inteactive Jonathan Martin, RESNET Rob Salcido, Architectural Energy Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII RESNET has developed a National Buildings Registry that rating providers can upload their ratings into. This registry is expected to provide an important boost to the rating industry in terms of being able to provide real time reporting of rating penetration in the market place, quality assurance, and even appraisers being able to find comparable homes with HERS® Index scores for an appraisal. On April 1, 2010 all providers must upload their ratings into the registry before the rating can become a confirmed rating. This session will demonstrate the RESNET National Building Industry, review the protocols for downloading information and discuss the opportunities that the registry will provide to the industry. Comprehensive Retrofits – Address & Correct Ducts Presenters: Howard Katzman, GreenChoice Consulting, LLC. Theresa Spurling-Wood, Gainesville Regional Utilities Crystal Learn how to evaluate existing duct systems and properly determine a course of action for systems that are in need of remediation. Explore the diagnostic techniques and tools used to inspect and verify operation of forced air systems. Understand the importance of prioritizing duct repair work, and the various benefits of performing diagnostic tests with an emphasis on the quickest and most effective testing methods. Discover solutions to common challenges that you confront. Is this Air Space Contributing to Energy Code Compliance? – Guidelines for Calculating Wall U-factors Presenter: Chunlin Cao, The Dow Chemical Company Dogwood/Camellia As more and more states adopt the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), the higher energy code requirements and non-tradeoff approach between mechanical equipment and the building envelope present compliance challenges to some builders. In order to meet the higher code requirements without increasing building costs, air space is sometimes used to add to the insulation value of the wall. This presentation will review the code requirements for 2009 IECC for above grade wall, the correct way to calculate the wall insulation R value/U-factor as an assembly to meet the 2009 IECC requirements. In particular, air space will be explored in detail as to which type of air space R value can be used and which type of air space is not appropriate based on ASHRAE requirements. Inappropriate use of air space R value calculations will result in unreliable and non-conservatively biased estimates of actual or nominal R-value to comprise the long-term performance of the buildings. After this presentation, raters should be able to identify the correct way wall assembly U-factor/R value is calculated and make sure the correct air space is used if there is one in the wall assembly so the final rating for the home reflects the realistic and long-term performance of the building. RESNET Rater Trainer Roundtable Presenters: Steve Baden, RESNET Mark Jansen, Energy Efficient Homes Midwest Kathy Spigarelli, RESNET Hibiscus/Iris RESNET standards require that all rater trainers must participate in a two hour RESNET Rater Trainer Roundtable. This session will meet this requirement. The roundtable will provide an update to trainers and provide an opportunity to provide feedback to RESNET. RESNET Beer Fest 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM – International Ballroom RESNET QA Process Group Discussion Moderator: Daran Wastchak 6:30 – 9:00 PM – Grand Ballroom- Salon I The session will be a “lessons learned”, “best practices” and “how to” discussion amongst Providers, Raters and QA Designees so that everyone can learn from one another and share ideas about the QA Process. This group discussion will be the forum for issues that come-up in the back-to-back QA session on Tuesday March 1st. SESSION 7 [8:30 - 10:00 AM] ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: 2011, the Transition Year with Version 2.5 Presenters: Dean Gamble, ICF International Jake Titus, ICF International Grand Ballroom- Salon I On Jan. 1, 2011, Version 2.5 Guidelines went into effect as a transition process to Version3.0. Attend this session to learn about the Version 2.5 Guidelines and to hear early feedback from the field. Learn more about the trainings and support that will be offered to raters, builders, and HVAC contractors during 2011 to help prepare ENERGY STAR partners and HVAC contractors for Version 3. Additionally, the ENERGY STAR for Homes team will discuss how lessons learned about implementing Version 2.5 can make your transition to Version 3 easier and more successful. Best Practices for Retro-fitting Attics for Energy Efficiency and Durability Presenter: Steve Easley, Steve Easley & Associates Inc. Grand Ballroom- Salon II Attics can account for 30-50% of space conditioning costs. This class examines how retrofit attics to do reduce energy costs increase comfort and enhance durability of building components. The focus of the class is to help contractors and retrofit contractors identify the most practical and effective means to reduce heat loss and heat gain in attics while avoiding moisture ventilation problem. Class will concentrate on the building science of new approaches on techniques for air sealing and insulating, Also addressed will be new systems for cold roof ventilated sheathing for non vented attics. Steve Easley, a nationally recognized building science consultant will show real world examples of effective retro-fit techniques. Objectives: Student will develop an understanding of: 1. Understanding heat and moisture flow in attics 2. Reducing thermal and convective by-passes in attics 3. Concepts of attic ventilation, what works and what doesn’t with non-vented and vented attics 4. Understand how non-vented attics work. 5. Selecting insulation systems and installation mistakes 6. Understanding radiant barrier and cool roof technologies How Adults Learn Presenter: Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors, LLC Grand Ballroom- Salon III Expanding on the Teaching Adults Effectively session given at last year’s conference, this session will go into the mechanics and motivation for adult learning and how astute trainers can maximize these principles to improve learning. Rating a Home for an Energy Improvement Mortgage, Start to Finish Presenters: Allison A. Bailes III, Energy Vanguard Jason Payne, Structured Energies Grand Ballroom- Salon VI The Energy Improvement Mortgage (EIM) has been around for a while now, yet they still remain a mystery to many raters. In training classes, most raters get the bare minimum – what they are, how they’re different from Energy Efficient Mortgages – but little or no training on how to complete one. In this session, we’ll use case studies to walk you through the steps required to go from receiving the call from an interested party to wrapping it all up at test out. Because of all the rules set by FHA (the creator of the EIM we’ll cover), the intricacies of the improvement analysis, and the need to work with contractors, lenders, realtors, and homebuyers, this may be the most difficult home energy rating work you’ll ever get. Come to this session, and learn the ins and outs of the EIM process so you’ll know what you’re in for with this type of rating. RESNET New IR Testing Guidelines: An Overview of the New Infrared Standard Presenters: John Snell, The Snell Group Bret Monroe, Monroe Infrared Technologies Rogge Miller, GWS Grand Ballroom- Salon VII RESNET has adopted new guidelines for the use of IR technology for home energy ratings and energy audits. This session will explain the new guidelines and explore how they can employed by raters and energy auditors. This session will also be an overview of both the means of certification and the Standard’s types of surveys and reporting guidelines. Building America – New and Existing Buildings Presenters: Jeff Christian, ORNL Subrato Chandra, PNNL Dave Roberts, NREL David Lee, DOE Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII This session will present case studies of actual new home construction and existing home remodeling strategies. One home in each climate zone will be presented and will be described in detail as to what techniques were used and how they contribute to the overall maximized energy-efficient home. Speakers will be from the current Building America Program teams and labs, as well as some from private industry. Comprehensive Retrofits – Effective Work Order Development- Making Them Work! Presenter: Howard Katzman, GreenChoice Consulting, LLC Crystal Raters, contractors, and other residential energy professionals know the benefits of using the “house as a system” concept to sell and install more energy efficiency improvements. It all starts with a Home Performance Assessment (HPA) that enables homeowners to make informed decisions on improving the energy efficiency and comfort of their client’s home. Our business is all about efficiency – learn the secrets of doing a HPA and work order efficiently – minimize your steps, maximize your professional delivery! Take advantage of this session and receive an overview of battle-tested techniques that will help raters and contractors to more fully deploy the HPA that motivate your customers to invest in energy efficiency home improvements. To Batt or Not to Batt? Presenter: Dan Lutz, Advanced Energy – Part II / Part III Dogwood/Camellia In this session, Dan Lutz will address the concerns surrounding fiberglass batt insulation and its ability to meet Grade I Installation. He will present real data on insulation performance and give examples and photos from numerous homes showing insulation correctly and incorrectly installed. In this session participants will see a process that can help insulation installers get it right everytime, regardless of what kind of insulation is being installed. At the end of the session, Owens Corning will discuss the process, tools, and training they use to help their installers overcome these issues and the ensuing results. SESSION 8 [10:30 AM - NOON] ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: Marketing Tools for a Better Specification Presenters: Jon Passe, US Environmental Protection Agency Grand Ballroom- Salon I With the release of Version 3 Guidelines, the ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes staff is developing new materials and an updated value propositions to help our partners market the new guidelines. Join us to learn more about these materials and to receive a brief tutorial on the suite of marketing resources that are available to our ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes partners. This session will also provide best practices for how to use ENERGY STAR as a new marketing platform and integrate it into your current ad campaign and marketing materials. Meeting ENERGY STAR’s Water Management Requirements Presenter: Steve Easley, Steve Easley & Associates Inc. Grand Ballroom- Salon II Energy Star Homes Version 3.0 now requires that builders complete a multi-point water management check list in order for new homes to carry the ENERGY STAR label. This class offers various methods for complying with and exceeding the checklist requirements for management of water on the site and at the foundation, at wall and roof assemblies and in the selection and placement of building materials. Using photos gathered from years of field experience, Steve examines common design defects which create moisture problems and shows solutions to control the damaging effects of bulk water and the infiltration and exfiltration of moisture laden air. Raters will learn how to identify construction defects that will assist them in reviewing the items on the Energy Star Water Management System Checklist. RESNET New Combustion Safety Testing and Work Order Guidelines Presenters: Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors Rob Moody, Organic Think Grand Ballroom- Salon III A key component of a comprehensive rating is combustion safety testing and preparing a work order. RESNET’s new Building Performance Auditor and Comprehensive Home Energy Rater certifications will require training on this. RESNET has recently adopted guidelines for combustion safety testing and developing a work order. This session will explain these new requirements. Mixing the Quality Serum Presenter: John Tooley, Advanced Energy Grand Ballroom- Salon VI If you are tired of seeing or fixing the same defects year after year then this session is for you. Serums do not cure illness they prevent them. This session will cover the ingredients for quality work that will be sustainable year after year. We will discuss a step by step process that can be put in place the Monday after the conference. It is impossible to eliminate all error from any task preformed by humans. Indeed, inadvertent errors are both possible and inevitable. Yet errors will not turn into defects if feedback and action take place at the error stage. If you are a Program a Manager, Utility, HERS® Provider or Owner of a Rating company this session is for you. Using IR as a Diagnostic Tool Presenter: Edward L. Fronapfel, SBSA, Inc Grand Ballroom- Salon VII Presented by Edward L. Fronapfel, with SBSA, Inc., this presentation discusses the standards for the use of Infrared Imaging (IR) to evaluate construction of existing buildings. In addition to the standards, the presentation provides an overview of the basics of how IR works, general uses of IR and RESNET, technical advancements and usage of IR cameras, characteristics and troubleshooting. How does the IR reading change as you vary the angles of the shot? What can you expect from interior vs. exterior readings? Using IR to diagnose visibly evident issues such as ice damming and moisture intrusion. Once diagnosed, what are some of the possible repairs to these conditions that are economical, effective, and result in higher energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR Version 3 and Indoor airPLUS-How They Fit Together Presenters: Casey Murphy, ICF International Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII ENERGY STAR has helped transform the homebuilding market for energy efficiency,. Now, ENERGY STAR Version 3 is rolling out and Indoor airPLUS is a pathway for one of the four inspection checklists. Learn how the Indoor airPLUS verification checklist can be completed as an avenue for the Water Management System Builder checklist. This session will focus on the details of the checklist and the increased emphasis of indoor air quality and moisture management in ENERGY STAR Version 3. By attending this session, participants will 1. Understand how to use Indoor airPLUS as a way to meet the Water Management Checklist requirements of ENERGY STAR Version 3. 2. Receive practical information on indoor air quality and moisture management. 3. Learn about the biggest IAQ risks for homebuyers and builders, and how to minimize these risks in new home construction. Comprehensive Retrofits – Incorporate Renewables into Your Next Job (Don’t Forget to Reduce the Load) Presenters: Theresa Spurling-Wood, Gainesville Regional Utilities Rachel D. Meek, Gainesville Regional Utilities Crystal More and more consumers want PV in order to be green and environmental…how can a home performance contractor stay competitive? You can’t have an effective solar system without load reduction, envelope tightness, and HVAC system sizing. Find out how to combine home performance with renewable energy solutions providing clients with comprehensive solutions to their energy needs. Residential Retrofit and Home Performance Training: Worker Recruitment, Retention and Development Presenters: Gary Gustafson, LIUNA Training and Education Fund Scott Gustafson, LIUNA Training and Education Fund David Johnson, LIUNA Training and Education Fund Dogwood/Camellia Residential retrofit workforce development includes more than job skills training. Employers and workers need to identify and access quality training; improve candidate completion and certification rates; and provide continuing education and career opportunities. Training programs must prepare the energy efficiency/residential retrofit workforce for industry changes and continuing employment opportunities. This workshop presents successful training programs and identifies potential new approaches for career development in this emerging industry. Panel members will present information on apprenticeship, employability skills training, college articulation agreements, and worker certification. Using Thick Insulation Sheathing over Wood and Stud Walls Presenter: Dan Tempas, The Dow Chemical Company Hibiscus/Iris Recent changes in the energy codes combined with higher energy prices have led to the use of thicker foam plastic insulated sheathings in stud wall constructions. But thick insulated sheathings are new territory for many builders and designers, how does one properly install and detail walls with these thicker insulations? In this presentation we take a look at some of the issues and solutions associated with thick insulated sheathings. This will include fasteners, penetrations, and both wood and metal stud wall assemblies. SESSION 9 [1:30 - 3:00 PM] ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes: Meet the New Version 3 Compatible Rating Software Presenters: Rob Salcido, Architectural Energy Corporation Tei Kucharski, Florida Solar Energy Center Grand Ballroom- Salon I RESNET-accredited rating software programs have incorporated new specifications required by ENERGY STAR Version 3. The new software releases will apply the ENERGY STAR Reference Design and Size Adjusment Factor where relevant to automatically calculate the final HERS Index Target. This score is needed to satisfy the ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes Version 3 baseline performance path. Additionally, this software will automatically generate the newly-required ENERGY STAR qualified home certificate – to be shared with each homeowner – which lists the features included in each home. Attendees will hear directly from the rating software developers how their tools can help raters verify ENERGY STAR qualified homes are compliant with Version 3 guidelines. How to Market to Realtors Presenter: Cheryl King, Associate Broker, Keller Wiliams Realty East Valley John Beldock, Ph.D, EcoBroker International and the Association of Energy and Environmental Real Estate Professionals Grand Ballroom- Salon II Realtors are one of the best sources of referrals for energy auditors. With Nevada becoming the first state to require an energy audit for every home sale, now is the time to get connected! This session will provide you with the tools you need to reach this important source of business. How to save 90% on the Home’s Biggest Hog – Look Outside Presenters: Steve Easley, Steve Easley & Associates Jeff Farlow, Pentair Water Pool and Spa Grand Ballroom- Salon III For the 10 million homes is the US with a swimming pool, their biggest energy hog is in the backyard. The average 1.5 Hp pool pump draws 2kW, is typically scheduled during peak load times, and consumes a whopping 4000 kWh per year. This accounts for the total capacity of 25 medium sized power plants nationally. The good news is that advanced new ECM technology can cut this demand by up to 90%. The pool pump savings alone can easily exceed the total savings proved by all the home’s appliances, combined. This saving opportunity is so commonly overlooked because it lies outside of the traditional envelop, where it doesn’t count towards a home’s energy rating. It still makes the customer’s meter go round and round and shouldn’t be ignored! Learn how to identify, evaluate, and provide your customers this tremendous energy saving opportunity. Pedal to the Metal: How Green Financing can Accelerate Sustainable Construction and Retrofits Presenter: Dakota Gale, Earth Advantage Institute Grand Ballroom- Salon VI Currently, homeowners of energy efficient and green homes are typically eligible for a few tax breaks and minor dollar amounts in utility incentives. What’s missing from the picture is the development of a financial “ecosystem” around the consumer where financial advantages make green remodels and certified homes a no-brainer. Besides benefiting the consumer’s pocketbook, such green financial models offer tremendous opportunity for lending organizations themselves – through the potential for increased loan volume, decreased risk of default, expansion into new markets, the ability to deliver highly targeted value-added products and the assumption of a position of market leadership. Such financial services will catalyze and enlarge the green home/green retrofit market. Real World Appraisals- Is Our Current System Broken? Presenter: Ray Ivy, LEED-AP, Southface Energy Institute Grand Ballroom- Salon VII Do traditional appraisal results accurately reflect true home values? Many industry experts think that sustainable energy improvements such as lower operating costs, improved resource utilization and increased durability are not reflected in the current appraisal methodologies. How can the appraisal industry improve processes and catch up with the new realities of home valuation to show true worth? Come learn the Top 5 things that need to happen right now and what you can do to help. Business Opportunities for Raters Working with ACCA QIvp-9 Standard Presenter: Wes Davis, Air Conditioning Contractors of America Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII RESNET has entered into a strategic partnership with the Air Conditioning Contactors Association of America (ACCA) to foster improved building energy performance. ACCA has adopted the QIvp-9 program to promote quality installation and sizing of air conditioning systems. This session will introduce the ACCA/RESNET strategic partnership, the ACCA QIvp-9 program and explore how raters can team up with HVAC contractors. Spray Foam Alliance Presenters: Kurt Riesenberg, SPFA Rick Duncan, SPFA Crystal SPFA will provide a fundamental overview of SPF, as well as it its credentialed applicator program and explore how raters can team up with SPFA members. The five major topics covered in this overview presentation include: • Different types of polyurethane foam products used for insulation and air sealing • Unique benefits of spray polyurethane foam compared to other insulation materials • Where SPF can be used within the building envelope • Compliant application of SPF under ICC’s model building codes in regard to fire safety • Basic chemical safety requirements during application of SPF One Hour Energy Audit Presenter: Ryan Hatch, Direct Energy Dogwood/Camellia How to perform a one hour energy audit! The session will teach Raters how to develop operation flow charts which identify common bottlenecks. Participants will think and share creative ways to increase productivity and reduce errors. The session will highlight reporting, products and techniques that reduce audit time. Call to Action: Adoption of Performance Based Residential Efficiency Tax Credits and Mortgage Financing Presenters: Steve Baden, RESNET Carl Chidlow, RESNET Hibiscus/Iris RESNET was effective in advocating for the extension of the tax credits for energy efficient homes. The extension, however will expire on December 31, 2011. RESNET will be undertaking a concentrated effort in 2011 to advocate performance based tax credits for a minimum of three years. We will also be advocating for legislation that would allow the financing of the energy upgrades of a home in the mortgage loan and recognition of a home’s energy performance in the appraisal. This session will explain the efforts to extend the credit and be a workshop on the building performance industry can be effective in working with Congress in enacting the financial incentives in 2011. SESSION 10 [3:30 - 5:00 PM] Tackling the Appraisal issue- lessons learned on overcoming appraiser resistance to valuing Energy Star or other Energy Efficiency Upgrades Presenters: Brian NG, U.S. EPA Victoria Bloise– Advanced Energy Grand Ballroom- Salon I Tackling the Appraisal issue – lessons learned on overcoming appraiser resistance to valuing ENERGY STAR or other Energy Efficiency upgrades. Presented by Victoria Bloise from Advanced Energy and Brian NG from EPA. Getting appraisal values to reflect the value of ENERGY STAR or other energy efficient upgrades is a nationwide challenge. Hear what EPA is doing with policies and partners on a national level to address this issue. Advanced Energy will discuss what they have learned from a statewide look at this issue talking to lenders, real estate agents, appraisers and builders, and what they are doing in NC to overcome this barrier. Learn what you can do in your region to overcome this barrier. “Nudging” Homeowners to Action Presenter: Aaron Goldfeder, EnergySavvy.com Grand Ballroom- Salon II The cutting edge of consumer marketing today is a combination of behavioral economics (Thaler and Sunstein’s book, “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness” lends this session its title) and the data-driven creative & message optimization possible on the internet. How has this combination of social psychology and technology been applied to the challenge of pushing homeowners towards making decisions about energy efficiency? We’ll look at qualitative and quantitative examples of what has worked and what hasn’t: at the intersection of behavioral economics, online marketing and energy efficiency. Example topics (to be finalized) include: What can be learned from Cash for Appliances about rebate program design; Why carbon offsets only work for flights; Developing a home energy scale that works. RESNET’s New Comprehensive Energy Audit Software Guidelines Presenter: Greg Thomas, PSD Development Grand Ballroom- Salon III A key element to a comprehensive energy retrofit is a modeling software program to calculate the energy savings from the energy improvement options. Working with BPI, the national energy laboratories and software vendors RESNET has developed a suite of tests to test the accuracy of comprehensive retrofit software modeling programs. This session will explain the new guidelines and explore the implications for the building performance industry. Habitat for Humanity’s Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative Presenter: Rob Howard, Sustainable Building Specialist, Habitat for Humanity International Grand Ballroom- Salon VI Presentation Abstract: • “Building communities, not only houses” • Comprehensive Community Development • Gut Rehab, Critical Repair, and Weatherization • Partners in Sustainable Building Update • Opportunities for Raters to get involved Turning Permit Offices into Advocates of Energy Efficiency Presenter: Andrea Guillet, PECI Grand Ballroom- Salon VII Over the past year and a half, Energy Trust of Oregon’s New Homes Program has been able to improve delivery of savings using permit offices as resources. It was through contact with permit offices, that Energy Trust was able to gather important market information about building activity throughout the territory, generate active contractor leads for the outreach team as well as cultivate another channel for promoting program offerings to the building community. Permit offices are staffed and supported by members of their community. The vast majority of these individuals have community ties and a history in home building and construction. Once these individuals determine that there is value in the assistance that is available to market actors interested in learning more about energy efficiency and conservation, a program such as this can count on strong advocates on the ground. As an industry, we need to loop in these citizens for the insight and the advocacy they can offer. This session will explore how this model may be applied around the country to better bring the building community together for energy efficiency. Alaska Craftsman Home Program: The Evolution of a Residential Energy Efficiency Training Program Presenter: Chuck Renfro, Alaska Craftsman Home Program Grand Ballroom- Salon VIII The Alaska Craftsman Home Program is a 501c3 nonprofit that seeks to increase the comfort, efficiency, and safety of Alaska’s residential, public, and commercial buildings. In fulfilling this mission, ACHP is a RESNET provider, a BPI affiliate, and administers service contracts with multiple agencies in the State of Alaska. This reflects a significant change from ACHP’s original purpose: building and branding of energy efficient cold climate home. In this presentation, Rob Jordon, will talk about the evolution of an energy efficient training non-profit, focusing on the interrelationship between the RESNET Providership and energy performance contract training. Energy Audits: Legalities and Pitfalls Presenter: Stan Harbuck, A Better School of Building Inspection Crystal While this presentation will cover some of the legal issues related to liability for energy auditors, one of its main emphases will be to discuss the special legal and ethical issues peculiar to pre-purchase, or otherwise known as “time of sale” audits. Coverage will also include level of quality of service expected, adhesion contracts, helping reduce liability through the use of specific types of contract provisions, RESPA liability, local vs. national standards, limitations of liability, antitrust law, general liability, and legislating professional regulation.