On April 15, 2024, EPA announced a second round of public comments on ENERGY STAR Quality Assurance and Quality Control Enhancements. The proposed changes are posted at ENERGY STAR QAQC Enhancements – Companion Document for Second Comment Period. The deadline for submitting comments is May 10, 2024. The EPA’s proposed changes are: Require that quality control be completed on the most critical program elements prior to a home’s certification but streamlining that review scope to allow short turnaround times. The minimum rate of HCO direct file review, including an introductory ramp-up schedule. Create differentiated credentials to perform quality control reviews for the ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Homes and Multifamily New Construction Programs. RESNET staff will be submitting comments to EPA on the above issues. Before preparing comments, RESNET would like your input on issues that need to be brought up to EPA. Because of the EPA’s short timeline, RESNET needs your comments submitted by May 3, 2024. You are most welcome, however, to submit your own comments to EPA. The comment period ended on May 3, 2024.