Certified RESNET Instructors recognized by RESNET must provide documentation to RESNET that they meet the minimum requirements for that designation. These instructors work under a training providership to help provide the training that rater candidates are required to successfully complete in order to become certified by an accredited rating provider. Directory Of Individuals Who Are Qualified Resnet Rater Trainers Rater trainers recognized by RESNET must provide documentation to RESNET that they meet the minimum requirements for that designation. Providers utilizing Trainers must confirm that those individuals are listed on this directory each year. The following individuals have been reported to RESNET as qualified RESNET Trainers: William J. AdamsonACC Consulting15950 Bernardo Center DriveSuite CSan Diego, CA 92127Phone: 5055463601Email: wadamson@qualitybuilt.comJoshua M. AndersonTopBuild Home Services172 Neal RdWest Liberty, KY 41472Phone: 386.944.8667Email: joshua.andersonqad@gmail.comMike BarcikSouthface Energy Institute241 Pine St. NEAtlanta, GA 30308Phone: 404.604.3620Email: mikeb@southface.orgEric BjerreJordan & Skala Engineers6201 W. Plano Pkwy.,Ste. 250Plano, TX 75093Phone: 4693851616Email: ebjerre@jordanskala.comJenn BlenkhornPSD950 Danby RoadSuite 201PIthaca, NY 14850Phone: 445.233.2586Email: jblenkhorn@psdconsulting.comEric A. BoydResidential Science Resources3140 Neil Armstrong BlvdSuite 110Eagan, MN 55121Phone: 651 200 3429Email: eboyd@arcxis.comJames BrauerJordan & Skala Engineers6201 W Plano PkwySuite 250Plano, TX 75093Phone: 469.385.1616Email: jbrauer@jordanskala.comDerin CandasUS-EcoLogic911 Maryland DriveIrving, TX 75061Phone: 972.579.2000Email: deirn.candas@us-ecologic.comRobert E. CantrellStrand Systems Engineering10003 Technology Blvd WestDallas, TX 75220Phone: 817.600.4389Email: robert.cantrell@strandae.comBrandon CarrStrand Systems Engineering10003 Technology Blvd West, Dallas, TX 75220Dallas, TX 75220Phone: 972.620.8204Email: brandon.carr@strandae.comStephen CarrTopBuild381 Bailey Hill Rd.Poland, ME 04274Phone: 386.846.9155Email: stephen.carr@topbuild.comSara CollierSouthern Energy Management5908 Triangle DriveRaleigh, NC 27617Phone: 919-836-0330Email: sara@southern-energy.comCharles DaleArcxis, Energy Inspectors19450 State Highway 249Suite 300Houston, TX 77070Phone: 602-376-0748Email: cdale@arcxis.comAaron DavenportTopBuild Home Services125 Groesbeck LnLeander, TX 78641Phone: 407.883.2691Email: aarondavenport@mac.comWilliam DetersPerformance Systems Development950 Danby RoadSuite 201PIthaca, NY 14850Phone: 681.283.5645Email: wdeters@psdconsulting.comConnor J. DillonDillon Group, Inc.PO Box 406Geromimo, TX 78115Phone: 423.838.5171Email: connor@thedillongroupinc.comMatt S. DovenbargerSouthern Energy Management5908 Triangle DriveRaleigh, NC 27617Phone: 919-730-8356Email: matt@southern-energy.comRobert DuTeauKansas Building Science Institute11601 Orchard RoadKansas City, MO 64134Phone: 316.253.2018Email: zduteau@icloud.comAlex EarnestPerformance Point6537 Hudspeth RoadHarrisburg, NC 28075Phone: 704.563.1030Email: alexe@theperformancepoint.comMiguel EscamillaTexas Home Ready Inc.4721 Herschell StreetHouston, TX 77028Phone: 832-661-6154Email: miguel6154@gmail.comSandy R. GalloBuilding Efficiency Resources (BER)PO BOX 1769Brevard, NC 28712Phone: 800.399.9620Email: sandyg@theber.comSam P. GalphinPerformance Point6537 Huspeth RdHarrisburg, NC 28075Phone: 704.361.8600Email: sam@theperformancepoint.comMartha I. GarciaARCXIS19450 Highway 249ste 300Houston, TX 77070Phone: 281.961.8037Email: mgarcia@arcxis.comAaron GaryTEXENERGY INC.911 Maryland DriveIrving, TX 75061Phone: 972.579.2064Email: aaron.gary@texenergy.orgPaul GayUS Eco Logic1029 Serel DriveMatthews, NC 28104Phone: 214.504.5537Email: gayp@texenergy.orgMatt J. GingrichEnergy Diagnostics, Inc.405 E Archer WayValparaiso, IN 46383Phone: 219.263.8667Email: mattg@energydiagnostics.netSteven A. GleavesBurgess Construction Consultants, Inc.1900 Espinosa TrailCarrollton, TX 75010Phone: 214-566-7644Email: sgleaves@burgess-inc.comBenjamin J. GrahamEnergy Logic, Inc.11986 W 13th AveGolden, CO 80401Phone: 303.521.0489Email: ben.dragonflyconsulting@gmail.comSteven M. HargisSkyeTec9570 Regency Square Blvd, Suite 410Jacksonville, FL 32225Phone: 904.515.8193Email: shargis@qualitybuilt.comJason HelmTexas Home Energy ProfessionalsPO Box 63Argyle, TX 76226Phone: 817.312.8769Email: jason@txenergypro.comJohn A. HensleyBuilding Performance Solutions1934 Old Gallows Rd. Suite 350Suite 350Vienna, VA 22182Phone: 8778315061Email: johnh@bpsconsultant.comDave HortonSol Design + Consulting2311 Wilson RoadHighland Heights, KY 41076Phone: 859-320-3276Email: hortonbrothers@gmail.comMark R. HutchinsConservation Services Group36 Silver Dawn RoadCampton, NH 03223Phone: 508.328.2668Email: mark.hutchins@clearesult.comJohn JohnsonTacoma EnergyPO Box 1528Westerville, OH 43086Phone: 614.899.8990Email: john@tacomaenergy.orgJoseph (Josh) R. KeohaneARCXIS540 Lake Center Parkway STE 205Cumming, GA 30040Phone: 901.326.6404Email: jkeohane@arcxis.comAbe KrugerSK Collaborative333 Adams StDecatur, GA 30030Phone: 404.480.4600Email: abe@skcollaborative.comTei A.. KucharskiFlorida Solar Energy Center1679 Clearlake RdCocoa, FL 32922Phone: 321.638.1437Email: tkucharski@fsec.ucf.eduLeslie LazareckHome Energy Connection, LLC5509 Villa Lucia CtLas Vegas, NV 89141Phone: 702.451.8630Email: les@homeenergyconnection.comAnthony LisantiALEC, LLC15 N. Mill StreetSuite 218Nyack, NY 10960Phone: 8455353035Email: tony@integralbuilding.comDonnie LyonsFox Energy Specialists3301 West FwyFT Worth, TX 76107Phone: 817.546.0160Email: dlyons@foxenergyspecialists.comEthan MacCormickPerformance Systems Development950 Danby Road, Suite 201-PIthaca, NY 14850Phone: 315.246.6894Email: emaccormick@psdconsulting.comKevin MaysFox Energy Specialists3301 West Freewayfort worth, TX 76107Phone: 817.266.5240Email: kmays@foxenergyspecialists.comChris McTaggartBuilding Efficiency Resources (BER)P.O. Box 1769Brevard, NC 28712Phone: 800-399-9620Email: info@theber.comNoe MontalvoDPIS Builder Services58 Corinth CourtElgin, SC 29045Phone: 832.723.0803Email: noem1017@yahoo.comJeffery MorfordSkyeTec Energy Rating Services9570 Regency Square Blvd.Suite 410Jacksonville, FL 32225Phone: 904.903.0660Email: jmorford@qualitybuilt.comClayton MorrisArcxis-Central19450 TX 249Houston, TX 77070Phone: 832.860.8610Email: cmorris@arcxis.comRobert OakleyPerformance Systems Development (PSD)950 Danby RoadSuite 201PIthaca, NY 14850Phone: 608.250.0654Email: roakley@psdconsulting.comRobert PeguesU.S. Eco Logic, Inc./TexEnergy Solutions911 Maryland DriveIrving, TX 75061Phone: 972.579.2023Email: robert.pegues@us-ecologic.comDaniel PesqueraStand Systems Engineering10003 Technology Blvd WestDallas, TX 75220Phone: 903.506.1634Email: dpesquera@strandae.comRob PooleAHEROP.O. Box 274Rockwall, TX 75087Phone: 972.342.7430Email: robp@reagan.comSharla H. RieadAccurate Rater Network by Hathmore Technologies11601 Orchard RoadKansas City, MO 64134Phone: 816.224.5550Email: sharla@energysmartinstitute.comRobert F. SchildgenPriority Energy LLC538 Busse HwyPark Ridge, IL 60068Phone: 312-767-9047Email: rob@priorityenergy.comKurt SchorschPriority Energy538 Busse PkwyPark Ridge, IL 60068Phone: 312.395.0056Email: kurt@priorityenergy.comJacob D. SilvaBurgess Construction Consultants, Inc195 Murray Farm Rd. #200Fairview, TX 75069Phone: 512.937.0322Email: jsilva@burgess-inc.comChristopher A. SmithEnergyLogic, Inc.PO Box NBerthoud, CO 80513Phone: 970.988.0692Email: christopher.smith@nrglogic.comEurihea SpecialeBuilding Efficiency Resources (BER)PO BOX 1769Brevard, NC 28712Phone: 800.399.9620Email: especiale@theber.comJosh SpencePEG LLC3975 Fair Ridge Drive, Suite T15SFairfax, VA 20115Phone: 703.934.2777Email: joshsp@pegenv.comBob J. SpermoBullseye Home Inspection & Energy Solutions16210 Revello DrHelotes, TX 78023Phone: 210.385.1209Email: bullseyebuildingconsultants@gmail.comKelcey SykesEnergyLogic91-1159 Kamakana St #119Ewa Beach, HI 96706Phone: 720.232.2877Email: kelcey.sykes@nrglogic.comCarter TilsonSkyetec9570 Regency Square Boulevard, Suite 410Jacksonville, FL 32225Phone: 904.710.8361Email: ctilson@qualitybuilt.comDylan M. TindallBuilding Efficiency Resources (BER)159 W MAIN STUNIT 1769Brevard, NC 28712Phone: 4074885618Email: dylant@theber.comWIll S. Torres15lightyears1404 N Ronald Reagan BlvdLongwood, FL 32750Phone: 407.219.2915Email: wtorres@15lightyears.comBryan WigginsPerformance Systems Development950 Danby Rd Suite 201-PSuite 201-PIthaca, NY 14850Phone: 336.579.4211Email: bwiggins@psdconsulting.comCory A. WolfeSkyetec9570 Regency Square Boulevard, Suite 410Jacksonville, FL 32225Phone: 904.855.6972Email: cwolfe@qualitybuilt.comCassandra WrightStrand Systems Engineering10003 Technology Blvd WestDallas, TX 75220Phone: 3234206413Email: cwright@strandae.comCindy ZeisPerformance Systems Development950 Danby RoadSuite 201-PIthaca, NY 14850Phone: 267.761.0148Email: czeis@psdconsulting.com How to Achieve certification as a RESNET INSTRUCTOR The following information outlines the minimum requirements to achieve certification as a Certified RESNET Instructor (204.1). Completion of a minimum of 16 sixteen (16) hours of a RESNET approved adult education program. The following trainings shall be recognized by RESNET for meeting this requirement: USGBC Faculty Training EcoBroker National Instructor Corporate training credential Secondary education teaching credential Teacher preparation courses from accredited post-secondary education institution Teaching experience at an accredited post-secondary education institution OR Other professional adult learning institution or corporation recognized by RESNET A passing score on each of the following tests: Click to apply for the National Rater Instructor Competency Test RESNET Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) Test SIM – Contact a RESNET Accredited Training Provider to set up tests. RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test – Contact a RESNET Accredited Training Provider to set up tests After passing the tests, the candidate must complete the following application to be certified by RESNET as a RESNET Instructor and be listed on the Directory of RESNET Instructors. Click here to access that application TESTING RESNET staff has the responsibility of administering the RESNET QAD/Instructor test. This test is required for individuals to serve as RESNET Provider Quality Assurance Designees and trainers for RESNET Accredited Training Providers. The test must be proctored by an independent party at a neutral location. It is the responsibility of the tester to secure the independent proctor and location before applying to take the test. For more information about proctoring exams click on RESNET Proctoring Policy. Note that on April 17, 2020 RESNET adopted Temporary Emergency Procedures for Proctoring tests during the COVID-19 pandemic. The test is a three-hour timed test with 100 multiple choice questions. The passing score is 80. The test is scored immediately upon completion. The test is open book. Testers may use printed resources as well as web resources. The cost of the test is $150, payable only by Visa or MasterCard when the tester signs on to take the test. Fees associated with the independent proctor or test facility are the responsibility of the tester. Technical Specifications: Please see compatibility requirements below Windows 7 or later,MAC OSX 10.9 or later,Linux. Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE11. Reliable Internet connection Note: This test cannot be taken on mobile or tablet devices. RESNET QAD/Instructor Test Categories The RESNET QAD/Instructor Test’s questions are divided into the key categories of building science and home energy ratings. The following are the categories of the test questions and the percentage of questions in each category that are contained in the test: General 7% Health and Safety 10% Building Science Topics 10% Insulation 10% Heating and Cooling Systems 10% Domestic Water Heating Systems 7% Appliances and Lighting 7% Air Leakage 11% Conditioned Air Distribution Systems 10% Ventilation 8% RESNET Rating System 10% How the RESNET QAD/Instructor Test Was Developed Early in the process, every item in RESNET’s question bank was edited and reviewed by volunteer Subject Matter Experts (SME) with the guidance of a psychometric consultant. This step alone Improved the test by simply eliminating poorly worded question stems and using plausible-but-definitely-not-correct distractors. Once the item bank was updated with new and improved questions, RESNET’s psychometric consultant created two new fixed-form exams. This is a change from the previous test methodology, in which question items were randomly assigned (weighted by category) from a database. The primary reason for moving away from this method is that with a random collection of questions, one Candidate may draw a more difficult set of questions than another. For the new test, passing scores were determined through a Pass Point Study consistent with procedures adopted in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) and with standards published by the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA). With training and guidance from the psychometric consultant, volunteer SMEs applied the Modified-Angoff procedure to rate the difficulty of every item in the bank by responding to the following question: “What percentage of candidates who are just barely qualified for certification will answer this item correctly?” After statistical analysis of the SME responses, the passing score of 80 was recommended by the psychometric consultant for both test forms. RESNET QAD/Instructor Test Study Guide Outline All of the questions in the national rater test were supported by publications and web sites. The following are source documents for the national rater test: Residential Energy, John Krigger ACCA Standard 12 Minneapolis Duct Blaster and Blower Door Manuals, The Energy Conservatory or Retrotec Blower Door and Duct Testing Manuals RESNET website, especially the links to: Energy code compliance RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301-2014 + Addenda ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 380-2016 + Addenda Formal Technical Interpretations Handbook of Fundamentals, ASHRAE Manual J, Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Please remember, this is a national test and may cover topics that are not addressed in detail in a particular state’s program. Retest Policy In the event of failure of the QAD/Instructor Test, please note our policy regarding retesting below: First failure:. User will be blocked for 30 days before being able to try again Second failure:. User will be blocked for 6 months before being able to try again. Test Application Policies and Procedures for Certified RESNET Instructors RESNET has adopted the following procedure for individuals posted on the Directory of Certified RESNET Instructors: Individuals must be listed on the Directory of RESNET Instructors in order to teach rater training courses. RESNET Instructors must reapply annually to remain posted on the directory. In order to maintain the listing, qualified individuals must annually complete the online Application to Renew/Update Listing on Directory of Certified RESNET Instructors. In the event that an individual on the list ends their affiliation or employment with the company on their listing, they must update their contact information in order to remain listed. RESNET will remove individuals upon notification by the listed company that they are no longer affiliated. Such individuals must submit the application to renew/update with updated contact information in order to reinstate their listing. RESNET standards require that all Certified RESNET Instructors shall annually meet the requirements for professional development described in RESNET Standards section 204.2 and shall indicate which professional development requirements were fulfilled on their annual application. Minimum Requirements for Renewing RESNET Instructor Certification Professional Development for Rater Instructor (204.2): RESNET Instructor Renewal (204.2): Rater Instructors shall complete a two-hour RESNET roundtable each year and also every three years: Document 12 hours of attendance at RESNET Conferences or other conferences approved by RESNET and Complete 18 hours of RESNET pre-approved Professional Development courses delivered by RESNET Accredited Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET. Additional documented hours of attendance at RESNET Conferences qualify under this provision (Professional Development requirements for RESNET Certified Instructors will be changing January 1, 2018 per addendum 24.) A person that is both a Certified RESNET Instructor and Quality Assurance Designee shall have to complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for a RESNET Instructor and the two-hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. RESNET Instructors and QA Designees selecting the conference or Professional Development option need only comply with the 12-hour requirement one time, i.e. 12 hours is not required for each position.