Across the nation state and local governments are adding a HERS® Index Score target as a performance compliance option to their building energy code. Effective on July 1, 2013 eight building code jurisdictions in Kansas adopted the HERS® Index Score as a an alternative compliance path to the 2012 IRC Energy Code Section 11. The Kansas jurisdictions that adopted the HERS® Index Score are: Desoto, Kansas Gardner, Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Mission, Kansas Olathe, Kanas Shawnee, Kansas Unincorporated Johnson County Kansas Bruce Chyka reports that while there are some variances in maximum HERS® score most are 85 or better and the score goes lower in subsequent years for some jurisdictions. Most builders are choosing the HERS® path over compliance to the code. Mr. Chyka has informed RESNET that it took two years of working with code officials to get them to see the value in the RESNET HERS® process. Other Kansas cities will be watching to see how this goes. The eight Kansas code jurisdictions have joined jurisdictions in Arkansas, Idaho, Colorado, Massachusetts, New Mexico and New York have adopted a HERS® Index Score as a compliance option, For a listing of communities that have adopted the HERS® Index Score go to HERS® Index Score as Code Compliance Option The reasons why a HERS® Index Score is being tied into energy codes include: The inspection and testing protocols are established in RESNET’s national home energy rating standards. RESNET is a national not-for-profit membership standard setting organization. It is accredited by the American National Energy Standards Institute (ANSI) as a Standard Development Organization. The professionals that undertake the inspection and performance testing are certified following RESNET’s standards stringent training and testing procedures. All certified RESNET home energy raters are subject to RESNET’s quality assurance oversight procedures. The RESNET national home energy rating standards are recognized by the federal government (U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Internal Revenue Service) and the mortgage industry. The HERS® Index is a trusted measurement of the energy performance of a home. Over one million homes have been issued a HERS® Index Score in the US.