The November 2022 RESNET HERS® Index Builder of the Month is New York’s Zero Net Now. Zero Net Now won three awards: US Net Zero Builder, Lowest HERS® Score (US Low Volume Builder), and the US Enbridge Innovation Award in the 2022 RESNET Cross Border Challenge. Zero Net Now, a partner in the DOE ZERH program since its inception in 2007, has committed to certifying all of its homes to the DOE Zero-Energy Home label. In this month’s feature, we asked Zero Net Now founder Anthony Aebi to share some insight on building HERS® homes for their customers. “I believe our homeowners should have the best performing home and be able to have metrics that prove that. We routinely achieve Home Energy Rating System (HERS) scores of under 10 with photovoltaics, or under 40 when renewable energy is not counted in the scoring.” He adds that consumers should expect energy-efficient homes since “energy prices will continue to rise and become an ever larger part of monthly expenses,” and because “consumers should expect better for the environment and their health.” Aebi says his customers like the low [HERS] number and the fact that at least one of my homes gets to brag every year that RESNET gave their home an award for the lowest pre-renewable HERS® score in the country. They also appreciate really low or no energy bills. Many of our new homeowners were referred by current homeowners.” Read more of the profile here.