The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has decided to change the Builders Challenge program’s name to the DOE Challenge Home. It has also decided to drop the E-Scale. DOE will continue to require, however, that a rating must take place on a DOE Challenge Home by a certified RESNET HERS® Rater. Instead of the E-Scale, a home that qualifies for the DOE Challenge Home will be issued a certificate that contains the HERS® Index Score of the home on the RESNET HERS® Index Scale. To view the draft of the of the new certificate click on DOE Challenge Home Certificate. According to Sam Rashkin DOE will ask RESNET accredited HERS® software providers to update their rating software to be able to print the certificate for any homes that qualifies under the program. The HERS® Index will reflect the actual score of the specific home for which the HERS® rating is being performed This decision by DOE reflects the growing momentum of the RESNET HERS® Index in the housing market. The EPA ENERGY STAR for Homes program’s certificate also includes the HERS® Index on their certificates.