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RESTalk EP76: Meet the 2021 RESNET Emerging Leadership Council Fellows

Jul 23, 2021


“Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther.”  J.P. Morgan

Starting a career in a new or even a related industry can be challenging as there is so much to learn.


It’s not often a newbie gets a chance for “a seat at the table” at an early stage in their career.


What industry perspectives do RESNET’s Emerging Leaders have?


RESNET’s Emerging Leadership Council (ELC) strives to engage the next generation of leaders in the ratings industry as many current HERS® Raters approach retirement and established the Emerging Leader Fellowship in 2019.  


Join us as the 2021 RESNET Emerging Leadership Fellows HERS® Rater and engineer Drew Lynch of Modern Home Optimization of Wichita, Kansas, and Rating Field Inspector Stewart Soleman of Quality Built located in Salt Lake City, Utah share their thoughts and perspectives on the HERS® industry. They also share their experiences attending the first-ever virtual RESNET Building Performance Conference.


Drew and Stewart had different paths to the ratings industry, but share similar goals of helping builders and homeowners with energy efficiency. Each decided to submit applications for the fellowship and noted that the application questions helped remind them of their professional purpose and goals. Both were thrilled to be selected this year.


If you are interested in applying for next year’s ELC Fellowship program, there are two simple requirements along with a completed application:


• Be a HERS® professional who wants to make a difference in the industry
• Have 5 years or less of experience as a HERS® RaterThe fellowship winners receive a 100% registration waiver for the RESNET Building Performance Conference and automatic membership on the ELC.


More information on the 2022 Emerging Leader Fellowship is coming soon!

Listen to full episode here.