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RESTalk EP61: Why Big Builders Will Request HERS® Ratings with Ryan Meres

Nov 9, 2020

“Data is the most valuable asset in the world.” -Brittany Kaiser


What does the builder market data tell us about trends in the adoption of HERS® ratings?

What is the breakdown of companies that are recording ratings?

What role do the larger builders play in all of this?

We welcome back Ryan Meres, Program Director at RESNET to share with us some insights into why RESNET believes bigger builders will be requesting more HERS® ratings in the future.

With nearly 240,000 HERS® ratings recorded in 2019 by a little more than 6,000 home building, remodeling and development companies (50% more companies than 2018) Ryan describes some key trends that are on the move.

As he draws our attention to the top 20 builders we learn that they ordered more than 104,000 ratings which accounts for nearly 43% of all ratings last year.

Ryan also notes that many of the top 20 are publicly traded companies who are moving towards reporting on their environmental impact (i.e., CO2/greenhouse gases and water). HERS® ratings can play a role in that reporting via Standard 301 and water ratings.

This falls in the category of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing or “sustainable investing” which seek long-term impact positive impact on society, environment and the performance of the business.

In our conversation, Ryan reveals these and more stories told by the data. Click below to hear more

Listen to the full episode here.