Home >Articles >RESTalk EP50: Introducing RESNET Water Efficiency Rating System HERSH2O

RESTalk EP50: Introducing RESNET Water Efficiency Rating System HERSH2O

Oct 6, 2020


 “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” -Peter Drucker

Over the last decade, what Americans pay for water and sewer service has increased three times faster than inflation or the price of food.

How can builders and homeowners get a handle the amount of water being used without some kind of practical and usable metric for both new and existing homes?

Both of our guests today, Mark Johnson from the International Code Council (ICC) and Jacob Atalla from KB Home, were intimately involved in the development of this Standard 850.

Listen in as we learn how the standard addresses water efficiency and why ICC decided to collaborate with RESNET in the development of this standard.

We learn how the index score is determined and what the home is being rated against.

Our guests also describe why a builder might want to get a HERSH2O rating on their homes.

To learn more, view the slide deck on this topic from the RESNET 2020 conference by going to this link: www.bit.ly/HERSH2O

Listen to the episode here.