Big Sky, Montana: literally one of the biggest sky views on earth. A great place for great ideas to be born. At the 2018 HabitatX Conference, an idea germinated from conversations between RESNET Executive Director Steve Baden and Pearl Certification President and COO Robin LeBaron. They discussed how HERS® Ratings and Pearl Certifications could complement each other rather than add another layer of complexity for consumers of high-performance homes. And for raters: conducting 3rd party asset inventories for Pearl Certification might be an additional career fit. Listen in as we hear how this conversation moved to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed and how quickly work has begun in earnest, with a pilot study comparing the correlation of HERS® scores to Pearl “Metals” in the Phoenix, AZ housing market. Robin spills the beans on some early correlation data that you will want to hear. Click here to download this latest episode.