Home >Articles >RESTalk EP 118: Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity Achieves HERS®-ZERO Scores

RESTalk EP 118: Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity Achieves HERS®-ZERO Scores

Jun 29, 2023 BuildersGeneralProvidersRaters

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” -Albert Schweitzer


Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to help families build and improve places to call home. In the process developing strong and stable communities with affordable housing.

Often household utility costs make affordability a challenge.

What factors need to fall into place to address this challenge of affordability?

How are cozy, comfortable, attractive homes that use no net energy being built in the Habit for Humanity model?

Join us as Rob Lochner, Construction Director with the Santa Fe Habit for Humanity, and David Best, HERS® Rater with Evergreen Building Solutions share with us the fascinating story of how 15 NetZero /HERS®-ZERO homes have been built in the Habitat for Humanity program in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

David describes some of the straightforward technical practices and measures that have been used as the program has evolved since 2020.

While these homes are attracting interest and providing influence, Rob shares insights into what seems to be preventing more widespread adoption of these practices in more projects.

To learn more or contact our guests, refer to the links below.

David Best email: drb713@gmail.com
David Best’s LinkedIn

Rob Lochner email: rob@santafehabitat.org

Rob’s video on ICFs: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/build-block-building-systems_video-icfs-and-habitat-for-humanity-activity-6947958189782958080-Uh5d?

Albuquerque Journal Story, Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity announces joint project with members of the Santa Fe Area Home Builders Assoc; https://www.abqjournal.com/2599030/headline-goes-here-258.html

Listen to the full episode here.