“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual”. -Vince Lombardi Strong organizations fulfill their mission by periodically reflecting on their goals and priorities. RESNET is no exception having adopted its 2023 Mission, Goals, and Priorities by a vote of the Board of Directors on October 7, 2022. How are the goals crafted that align with and fulfill the mission? How are priorities and budgets set so these goals are achieved? How is 2023 looking to shape up? John Hensley, President of the RESNET Board of Directors, and Steve Baden, RESNET Executive Director join us to describe the priorities for RESNET’s activities in 2023 Steve describes the process of setting the priorities and how they lead to the goals that have been set by the Board to achieve the mission. John describes the RESNET mission and details the goals while Steve describes how the goals and priorities shape the budget that has been adopted by the RESNET board. John recaps the challenges and achievements for RESNET in 2022 and Steve outlines the challenges and opportunities for RESNET and the HERS® Industry in 2023. It’s the combined efforts of the board, the staff, and the RESNET community that lead to the organization’s achievements, year after year. Link to 2023 mission and goals: https://t.co/34gH0HLUXy Listen to the full episode here.