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RESTalk EP33: What is the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board? with Ryan Meres

Oct 3, 2019




RESNET plays a big role in the home energy rating ecosystem. Part of RESNET’s role is to give a voice to the variety of organizations involved.

Some of these organizations are the suppliers of materials and equipment essential to the management and control of energy and other factors in homes.

RESNET staff member Ryan Meres joins us in this podcast to describe why RESNET formed the Suppliers Advisory Board (SAB), its activities and the benefits to organizations that join. There are currently 14 organizations on the SAB from HVAC, insulation, ventilation, and other industries (see logos of current SAB members below).

One of the key benefits is data from rated homes. SAB members periodically receive a supplier intelligence report: a rich insight into the trends in building practices. This data is derived from over 2.6 million (and growing) HERS-rated homes in the US.

These insights often describe the state and regional variations into the types of equipment installed, as well as home performance factors such as insulation levels and envelope leakage data and even instances of on-site power production, amongst many other factors.

In several cases, this data can be used to bolster the impact of arguments in the code adoption process.

Some of the other benefits include a booth at the annual RESNET Building Performance conference, webinars, and access to the new HERS® Affiliate Training course. The course provides product supplier representatives and sales staff with an understanding of how RESNET’s Home Energy Rating System (HERS) works.

To learn more about the Suppliers Advisory board visit www.resnet.us/about/sab/

Or this link to jump right to the benefits: www.resnet.us/about/sab/resnet-suppliers-advisory-board-benefits/

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