The ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standards 301 and 380 are under “continuous maintenance”. What does that mean?As revisions are needed to improve the Standards, they are accomplished via “addenda” rather then re-publishing a new edition of the standard each time a revision is approved. Every 3 to 5 years, these Standards are updated to integrate any approved addenda into the body of the Standard (instead of as separate addenda) and other needed revisions into a new edition. This is similar to other Standards like IECC, ASHRAE 62.2, or ASHRAE 90.1, which typically release a new version every 3 years. RESNET has been working on updating Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 in order to publish the 2019 version by early 2019. In addition to integrating approved addenda (like the Addendum A for water heating (DHW) and Addendum E for the Index Size Adjustment Factor), a major proposed scope change in the 2019 edition will allow Energy Ratings to be performed on any dwelling unit or sleeping unit in any height building, excluding hotels/motels. In addition, the criteria in ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 has been revised and expanded to better address ‘multifamily’ buildings and the unique system types and challenges they face. The first draft of this proposed standard “BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-201x” is currently out for public comment. RESNET will be hosting a free webinar the integration of the approved standard amendments adopted since the latest publication of the Standard into the body of the Standard on March 20, 2018. This webinar will be presented by Brian Christensen (NORESCO), Gayathri Vijayakumar (SWA) and Rick Dixon (RESNET Standards Manager). Brian and Gayathri are both members of the RESNET Multifamily Sub-Committee that worked to develop most of the proposed changes, and were both also members of the Working Group that developed the Guidelines for Multifamily Energy Ratings, that RESNET adopted in August 2014. To participate in the webinar one must register in advance. To register for the webinar, CLICK HERE. Prior to submitting your public comments, RESNET encourages you to attend this webinar for a guided tour of the major changes being proposed and to have the opportunity to ask questions.