RESNET and TRA Certification International have teamed up to improve the energy performance of modular homes. TRA Certification International is an international accredited independent Registrar of Quality Systems in the field of systems-built dwellings which includes design review, certification and inspection services. The company provides these services to hundreds of modular home manufacturers. These production builders produced thousands of code compliant dwellings nationwide. TRA Certification International is a RESNET accredited Rating Provider. Under a recently signed Memorandum of Understanding TRA Certification committed to having all their participating modular home manufacturers have their homes energy rated and market their homes’ HERS® Index Score. The company will work with Modular Plant Certifiers and certified RESNET raters to ensure that each home meets the RESNET standards through the manufacturing and on-site assembly process and a confirmed HERS® rating is completed once the home is inspected and tested after completion.