RESNET has created a new rater certification, the Comprehensive Home Energy Rater (CHER). The CHER can conducted comprehensive ratings/energy audits as part of a whole energy retrofit or participate as part of a RESNET Energy Smart Home Performance Team. For information on these teams click on RESNET Energy Smart Home Performance Teams. The difference between a certified Home Energy Rater and a Comprehensive Home Energy Rater is that the CHER must pass an online RESNET multiple question test and a practical simulation online CAZ and Work Scope test. In order for a RESNET Accredited Rater Training Provider to offer the CAZ and Work Scope test they must have rater trainers pass the test. Working with Interplay Energy, RESNET has created an online CAZ and Work Scope training program and an online practical page that rater trainers can sign up for the exam now. RESNET has also posted a resource page for rater trainers on the CAZ and Work Scope Testing that can be downloaded by clicking on RESNET CAZ and Work Scope Testing Resources Raters who have successfully completed BPI CAZ and work cope training or Texas HERO’s Comprehensive Energy Auditor training do not need to take the RESNET training.