COVID-19 has changed all our lives. It has changed how we work, our social patterns, our travel plans, as well as our everyday lives. With the COVID-19 pandemic creating a “new normal” on travel and social interactions, RESNET is reviewing the hosting of the traditional RESNET Building Performance Conference in 2021. Social distancing measures are expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future. In addition, public health officials are also warning that there will be a second wave of the virus in the winter of 2021. RESNET is dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of its community while remaining economically viable and providing its community the educational opportunity it expects. The social distancing measures that are expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future raises the question of whether the networking opportunities and classroom-style professional sessions—which together form the backbone of the annual RESNET Conference are practical in February 2021. The technology for holding conferences virtually has made exciting advances with the current pandemic and conferences across the nation are seeing this as a viable option in these uncertain times. We have seen many industry conferences switch to the virtual platform, 2020 National Building Performance Conference, 2020 ASHRAE Conference, and Passive House 2020, just to name a few. RESNET needs to make an important decision regarding the 2021 Conference soon and we need your input. Please take a few minutes and complete the short survey. Your responses will help guide us in making this important decision. Please complete the survey by Friday, July 10, 2020 at