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RESNET Releases 2021 Statistical Abstract “Trends in HERS® Rated Homes”

Jun 8, 2021


Each year RESNET conducts a look at the trends across all homes that have received a HERS® rating.  RESNET has released its statistical abstract of homes that were HERS® rated in 2020, “2021 Trends in HERS® Rated Homes”.

The report first looks at broad national-level trends in the number of HERS® ratings and average index scores. Next, the report covers state-level trends, including the total number of HERS® ratings in each state and the percent of new homes that received a HERS® Rating. After the state-level data, the report looks into trends of HERS® ratings in cities, including the top 25 cities for single-family and multi-family ratings.

The remainder of the report focuses on individual trends across HERS® ratings, including a breakdown of the basic characteristics of rated homes and individual building components. A variety of building envelope components are covered as well as air leakage rates, equipment efficiencies and the use of solar on HERS® rated homes.

The report was developed by Ryan Meres, RESNET Programs Director, on behalf of RESNET’s Suppliers Advisory Board.

To download the report click on 2021 Trends in HERS® Rated Homes.