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RESNET Posts HERS® Index Score and Certified HERS® Rater Search Engine

May 19, 2015

Need to know what the HERS® Index Score is of a home?

Need to know whether a person is a certified RESNET HERS® Rater in good standing?

RESNET has a solution for you.

RESNET has posted an interactive search engine  on its web site that will allow individuals to search for the HERS® Index Score of an address and whether a person is an active certified HERS® Rater.  The search engine is connected to the RESNET National Registry.  The RESNET National Registry contains data on all homes that have been issued a HERS® Index Score and all persons that are certified HERS® Raters.

The HERS® Index Score search engine provides the following information:

  • Address of Home Rated
  • Rating Company Name That Rated the Home
  • Date That Rating was Completed
  • HERS® Index Score of Home

To search for a HERS® Index Score for a particular address go to HERS® Index Search Engine

The certified RESNET HERS® Rater search engine provides the following information:

  • The Name of the Certified HERS® Rater
  • The Rating Company Name
  • Location of the Rating Company
  • Name and Contact Information of the Rating Quality Assurance Provider That Certified the Rater and is Responsible for Quality Assurance Oversight
  • Whether the Rater is Active or is on Probation

To search for the status of a certified HERS® Rater go to HERS® Rater Search Engine

The new search engine page is an invaluable tool for:


Homebuyers can now search for the HERS® Index Score of a home they are considering to buy.  If a HERS® Index Score does not appear at the address of a home they are considering, they should ask the seller to have the home HERS® rated.  The search engine also gives a consumer confidence that the person they are considering to hire is a certified HERS® Rater in good standing.  Consumers can now also readily identify the Quality Assurance Provider that certified the rater.

Code Officials and Program Sponsors

Code officials and utility program sponsors can now have the assurance that the HERS® Index Score for a home and the HERS® Rater that rated the home are legitimate.  Code officials and program sponsors can now also readily identify the Quality Assurance Provider that certified the rater.


Builders can now have the assurance that the HERS® Index Score on their homes and the person they are considering to hire to conduct a HERS® Rating on their homes are legitimate.  Builders can now also readily identify the Quality Assurance Provider that certified the rater.