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RESNET Newly Approved Addenda and Public Comment on Proposed Addendum

Mar 23, 2022
RESNET Announces Standards Actions

Newly Approved Addenda:

ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum C-2022, Duct Leakage to Outside Defaults

MINHERS® Addendum 61, Pandemic Onsite Tests Moratorium

MINHERS® Addendum 64, Inspections and Test Sampling Criteria for Multi-Family Dwelling Units

MINHERS® Addendum 65, Third Party Energy Efficiency Program HERS® Ratings

MINHERS® Addendum 66, CO2 Index   

Public Comment on Proposed Addendum: Draft PDS-01 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum A-202x, Renewable Energy Certificates



ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum C-2022, Duct Leakage to Outside Defaults
Addendum C revises Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 and the RESNET HERS® to allow the use of default values for Duct Leakage to Outside (DLTO) when values are not determined by test. See Addendum C-2022 for specifics.

MINHERS® Addendum 61, Pandemic Onsite Test Moratorium
Addendum 61 reinstitutes the Covid-19 pandemic moratorium for onsite airtightness and airflow testing first authorized by Addendum 48i in 2020. Interim Addendum 61i was authorized for use October 19, 2021, and will remain in effect until final Addendum 61f takes effect July 1, 2022. Both Addenda 61i and 61f stipulate an automatic expiration of the moratorium tied to the federal government lifting of its declaration of emergency for the pandemic. See Addendum 61i or Addendum 61f for specifics.

MINHERS® Addendum 64, Inspections and Test Sampling Criteria for Multi-Family Dwelling Units
Addendum 64 recognizes the inspections and tests sampling criteria of the RESNET Guidelines for Multifamily Energy Ratings for use with standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 in determining HERS® Sampled Ratings for multifamily Dwelling Units. Standard 301-2019 and the RESNET HERS® established standard criteria for determining Energy Ratings for Dwelling Units in multifamily buildings of all sizes as of January 1, 2022,   but it does not directly establish criteria for inspections and tests necessary for developing Sampled Ratings. The MINHERS® Chapter 6 does not yet have criteria for inspections and tests sampling specific to multifamily Dwelling Units. Addendum 64i took effect January 3, 2022 and will remain in effect until final Addendum 64f takes effect July 1, 2022. See Addendum 64i or Addendum 64f for specifics.

MINHERS® Addendum 65, Third Party Energy Efficiency Program HERS® Ratings
Addendum 65: (1) addresses how HERS® Ratings used by Third Party Energy Efficiency Programs including building codes will be recognized by RESNET and reported to the RESNET Registry; (2) adds a definition for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and adds determining their ownership status as a Minimum Rated Feature (MRF) where renewable energy systems are used. Interim Addendum 65i was adopted January 31, 2022, and will remain in effect until the Mandatory Compliance Date final Addendum 65f. See Addendum 65i for specifics. Addendum 65f is currently available for public review and comment. To review and comment see Draft PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 65f

MINHERS® Addendum 66, CO2 Index
Addendum 66 provides the calculation criteria and up-to-date data for calculation of the CO2 Index. It will not require Raters to collect additional data. The addendum was first adopted as interim Addendum 66i to allow software providers sufficient time to update and test software by July 1, 2022. See Addendum 66i for specifics. The final Addendum 66f is currently available for public review and comment. To review and comment see Draft PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 66f.


BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum A-202x, Renewable Energy Certificates
RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 approved Draft PDS-01 of BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum A-202x for public review and comment. Proposed Addendum A modifies Standard 301-2022 for consistency with MINHERS® Addendum 66, Renewable Energy Certificates, (RECs). (Note: Standard 301-2022 will not take effect for the RESNET HERS® until a future date. Addendum A is intended to ensure Standard 301-2022 is consistent with the standards adopted for the RESNET HERS.)

The draft addendum, comment form, and comments received are posted at Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum A-202x, RECs. Public comments will be accepted from March 18, 2022, through April 17, 2022.