After five years of development, the RESNET water efficiency rating system “HERSH2O” has been launched nationally. ANSI has accredited the ANSI RESNET/International Code Council Standard 850 which is the technical basis of the RESNET water efficiency rating index. RESNET has adopted the program’s guidelines. Certified RESNET HERS® Raters and builders can now take advantage of the program. With the national roll-out of the HERSH20 program, RESNET has updated its webpage for the program to provide resources to certified RESNET HERS® Raters, builders, and water departments to better understand the program. The updated webpage resources include: • RESNET/ICC HERSH20 Technical Guidelines • Implementation Guidelines for HERSH2O 2020 National Rollout • RESNET Inspection and Verification Guidance for HERSH2O • HERSH2O® Inspection Checklist • ICC Sustainability Membership Council Video Feature on HERSH2O • RESTalk Podcast on Introducing the RESNET Water Efficiency Rating System HERSH2O with Mark Johnson (ICC) and Jacob Atalla (KB Home)