Across the nation the RESNET HERS® Index Score is fast becoming a mainstream in the housing market. Homebuilders are having their homes energy rated and marketing the HERS® Index Score of the homes, Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS® Index Scores and code jurisdictions are recognizing a HERS® Index Score as a building energy code compliance option. With the increased visibility of the HERS® Index Score RESNET is obligated to ensure that HERS® Index Scores are as consistent as possible. To achieve this goal RESNET has formed the HERS® Index Score Consistency Task Force. Members of the task force are representatives of the nation’s largest production builders, rating software tool developers and Rating Providers. The task force will complete the following tasks: Recognizing that many areas of a home energy rating are dependent upon the professional judgment of a rater, define what is the tolerance band for consistency among HERS® Index Scores for the same home Identify where there is consistency and areas where there may be inconsistency in the way the HERS® Index Score is produced For the identified issues, determine whether the inconsistency is produced by: Lack of clarity in RESNET standards Inconsistency among rating software tools Lack of training of Home Energy Raters Lack of proper quality assurance oversight of the rater Report to the RESNET Board on its findings and recommendations to ensure greater consistency in the production of HERS® Index Scores Members of the task force are: Home Builders Jacob Atalla, KB Home Jim Petersen. Pulte Group Dean Potter. K. Hovnanian Homes Rating Software Tool Developers Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center Rob Salcido, Architectural Energy Corporation Rating Providers Dave Bell, Environments for Living Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors The task force will present its findings at the RESNET Board’s Fall 2014 Board Meeting in San Diego.