In recognition of RESNET’s leadership in building energy performance and energy efficiency financing, RESNET Executive Director, Steve Baden, has been appointed by Freddie Mac to serve on their Energy Efficiency Financing Task Force. The mission of the task force is to develop a set of recommendations to Freddie Mac that would: Create a framework to track the correlation of energy efficient homes and loan performance Leverage additional sources for data (such as RESNET) and review the research available for modeling trends Leverage energy ratings and labels (ENERGY STAR/HERS) Examine existing policies currently in the mortgage arena Explore the key elements that prevent the market from growing: valuation and securitization of energy efficient mortgages Standardization of energy efficiency data elements on the appraisal and MLS The other members of the task force are: Sandra Adomais, Adomais Appraisal Jim Barrett, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Dave Carey, Harcourt Brown & Carey Martha Campbell, Rocky Mountain Institute Michelle Desiderio, Home Innovation Research Lab Michael Freedberg, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Al Gaspari, Pacific Gas and Electric Joan Glickman, U.S. Department of Energy Philip Henderson, Natural Resources Defense Council Cynthia Herron, Tennessee Valley Authority Dan Kartzman, NYSERDA John Meadows, Loan Depot Jeff Pitkin, NYSERDA Peter Rusin, Colorado Energy Office Bob Sahadi, Institute for Market Transformation Laurel Stukel, Elevate Energy Freddie Mac’s action is significant in that the giant secondary mortgage market has renewed its interest in energy efficiency and that RESNET will be involved in this effort.