Neal Kruis, RESNET Energy Modeling Director and chair of the RESNET Software Consistency Committee was recently a guest on the BUILDCast podcast. The BUILDCast podcast is part of BuildTank, founded by HERS® Rater Robby Schwarz. Robby has been a champion of home performance for over 25 years, focusing on building performance, applied building science, and system thinking. He is committed to helping industry partners, builders, code jurisdictions, and others understand residential energy, applied building science, systems thinking, home performance and our role in the built environment. Kruis and Schwarz discussed residential energy modeling, which is becoming more and more important for code and program compliance, as well as, for developing means to measure house performance as we continue our quest for zero energy and carbon-neutral homes. Neal has a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and has been developing building energy modeling software since 2007. He is the Vice President of Big Ladder Software. In addition, Neal is a core developer of the Department of Energy’s EnergyPlus simulation engine, as well as the State of California Simulation Engine (CSE) used for residential Title 24 compliance calculations. Listen to full episode here.