An increasing number of builders are taking advantage of the marketing power of the RESNET HERS® Index Score. Builders across the nation, from Utah to Florida, have recently entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with RESNET. These MOUs state that the builder will commit to having their homes energy rated by a certified RESNET Rater and marketing the homes’ HERS® Index Score. The following are the new RESNET Energy Smart Builders: In making the commitment, these builders have been designated by RESNET as RESNET Energy Smart Builders. RESNET Energy Smart Builders are leading the transformation of the housing towards high energy performance homes by committing to RESNET’s stringent standards of home energy ratings and marketing their homes’ HERS® Index. RESNET is interested in entering into similar agreements with other builders. HERS® Raters who have builder clients interested in entering into an agreement with RESNET should go to RESNET Energy Smart Builder MOU. For the listing of all Energy Smart Builders who have made the commitment go to Builder HERS® Index Commitment.