Goal is to Ensure HERS® Index Scores Are as Consistent as Possible Across the nation the RESNET HERS® Index Score is fast becoming a mainstream in the housing market. Homebuilders are having their homes energy rated and marketing the HERS® Index Score of their homes, Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS® Index Scores in their listings and code jurisdictions are recognizing a HERS® Index Score as a building energy code compliance option. With the increased visibility of the HERS® Index Score RESNET is obligated to ensure that HERS® Index Scores are as consistent as possible. This need has been made more important with the International Code Council adopting a Energy Rating Index option to the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code. To achieve this goal RESNET has formed the HERS® Index Score Consistency Task Force. Members of the task force are representatives of the nation’s largest production builders, rating software tool developers and Rating Providers. Members of the task force are: Home Builders Jacob Atalla, KB Home Jim Petersen. Pulte Group Dean Potter. K. Hovnanian Homes Rating Software Tool Developers Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center Rob Salcido, Architectural Energy Corporation Rating Providers Dave Bell, Environments for Living Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors The mandate of the task force was to identify areas of inconsistency and recommend actions to improve consistency and present them to the RESNET Board of Directors. Task force members undertook an analysis of the consistency of how rating scores are produced. This analysis included surveys of builder division managers and their Rating Provider clients. This analysis found three broad areas of the inconsistency of rating scores: Inconsistency of quality assurance oversight by Rating Providers Inconsistency of the way the various software programs allowed variance of raters in inputing data into the program Inconsistency of Home Energy Rater candidate testing The task force has released a set of findings and recommendations. The findings and recommendations focus on: Enhanced Quality Assurance of Ratings Independence of Quality Assurance Designees Percentage of Rated Homes by a Rater that Must be Quality Reviewed Annually Clearer and Consistent Information and Training from RESNET to Quality Assurance Designees Home Energy Rating Software Program Improvements to Ensure Greater Consistency of HERS® Index Scores Enhanced Training of Home Energy Raters At its Fall 2013 Board Meeting in San Diego the RESNET Board of Directors adopted the recommendations of the task force. To view the resolutions adopted by the RESNET Board go to Resolutions on Ensuring Consistency of HERS® Index Scores To view the findings and recommendations go to RESNET HERS® Index Score Consistency Task Force