The International Code Council (ICC) adopted an energy rating index option for the 2015 version of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). This action will result in HERS® Index Scores becoming an integral part of determining compliance with the 2015 IECC. This action presents an opportunity for the ICC and RESNET to work together. The ICC and RESNET have agreed to a comprehensive strategy to ease the transition of the implementation of the energy rating index option in state and local energy codes. The elements of the strategy are: Collaboration to enhance the process of energy code analysis and inspection of new homes, to reduce the time and expense of inspections on home builders, reduce the number of re-inspections, and enhance the level of compliance with local or state adopted versions of the IECC. Such collaboration may take the form of jointly branded software, training materials, or other programs or projects targeted to home builders and their subcontractors. Joint development and distribution of training and other materials that would facilitate the use by local and state code officials of HERS® raters to inspect new homes for compliance with the 2015 IECC, including inspections required to develop and calculate a HERS® rating. Development and marketing of special packages of certification examinations, and related study and training materials for such examinations, for HERS® raters interested in providing inspections that would be accepted as third party inspections of homes to meet provisions of the IECC and IRC. Development and distribution of materials that would describe and facilitate career enhancement for those in the energy rating field to expand their service offerings to meet the demand for third party code inspectors, through development of additional knowledge and skills in various code inspection fields. Customized ICC Membership for Certified RESNET HERS® raters, which may also include discounted code books, training courses and certification examinations in relevant areas. Sharing of information and strategies related to achieving state and local adoptions of the 2015 IECC and IRC model codes, inclusive of the RE-188 provision. Sharing of educational and promotional materials that assist code officials to understand and collaborate with HERS® raters in achieving code inspection and code compliance objectives, especially in the area of energy code provisions. Collaboration and co-branding of standards, guidelines or other products that address the goals of this cooperation between ICC and RESNET as agreed to by the parties from time to time. ICC and RESNET staff will be working over the next several months in developing an action plan on implementing the agreed to strategy.