The scope of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR certified homes program has encompassed dwelling units in some four and five story buildings for many years. To simplify its program; better align with HERS® ratings; and promote more consistent quality assurance, EPA recently removed the prescriptive path compliance option for site-built dwelling units. As a result, all ENERGY STAR certified site-built homes are now required to receive a HERS® rating. After following RESNET’s public review and comment process, the RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 has adopted a standard amendment to the RESNET Mortgage Industry Nation Home Energy Rating Standards to ensure that ENERGY STAR certified multi-family dwelling units in four and five story buildings are eligible to receive a HERS® rating and be entered in the RESNET National Registry. In addition, the amendment’s addendum provides definitions for Innovative Design Requests (IDR) Review and Approval Authorities. This amendment was originally adopted as an interim standard amendment but with the Standard Development Committee 300’s action, the amendment has been made permanent. To view the adopted amendment go to HERS® Ratings of ENERGY STAR Certified Multi-Family Dwellings in 4 and 5 Story Buildings