Across the nation the RESNET HERS® Index Score is fast becoming a mainstream in the housing market. Homebuilders are having their homes energy rated and marketing the HERS® Index Score of their homes, Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS® Index Scores in their listings and code jurisdictions are recognizing a HERS® Index Score as a building energy code compliance option. With the increased visibility of the HERS® Index Score RESNET is obligated to ensure that HERS® Index Scores are as consistent as possible. To achieve this goal RESNET is stepping up its quality assurance procedures. In the past there was confusion over the quality assurance oversight responsibilities when a certified rater left one active provider for another. To clarify this issue the RESNET Board of Directors have adopted a formal interpretation to the RESNET national home energy rating standards. To view the interpretation go to RESNET Quality Assurance Responsibilities