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RESNET Adopts EnergySmart Project and EnergySmart Contractor Standard

Jul 2, 2012

In November 2010 the RESNET Board of Directors adopted the guidelines for the RESNET EnergySmart Contractors. It was always the intent of the board that the guidelines would be made into a Chapter 10 of the RESNET Standards.

For two years the RESNET Energy Smart Contractor Task Force worked to develop the draft standard. The chairman of the task force was Orlo Stitt of Stitt Energy Systems and the members of the task force were:

  • Wes Davis, Air Conditioning Contractors of America
  • Mark Jansen, Energy Efficient Homes Midwest
  • Dallas Jones, Green Training USA
  • Michael Kwart, Insulation Contractors Association of America
  • Lee O’Neal, MABTEC
  • Daran Wastchak, D.R. Wastchak

After a public review and comment process the RESNET Board of Directors adopted Chapter 10 “RESNET EnergySmart Project and EnergySmart Contractor Standard” on June 29, 2012.

The new standard defines EnergySmart Contractors, EnergySmart Projects and the RESNET EnergySmart Home Performance Teams.  The RESNET EnergySmart Home Performance Teams are referred to in two bills in Congress.

The amendment will go into effect on July 30, 2012.

To view the new standard click on RESNET EnergySmart Contractor Standard