For quite some time, it has been the contention of many that the RESNET standards apply only to new homes and that they do not address existing home. While this has never been the actual case, it has also been true that the RESNET standards did not contain a specific methodology for the calculation of standardized energy savings (asset savings) resulting from existing home retrofits. After a public review and comment process the RESNET Board of Directors adopted an amendment to RESNET’s standards to provide a specific methodology that will fill this gap. Such a standard methodology is sorely needed by the Rating industry and by others, including Congress, in the development of policies and programs aimed at reducing energy use in existing housing stock. The amendment defines the baseline home and the improved home for calculating the project energy savings, the standard operating conditions used for modeling the projected energy savings and how air distribution systems should be addressed if not tested. To view the adopted amendment click on Calculation of Retrofit Energy Savings