July 15, 2021, 3-4 pm Eastern RESNET HERS® Software Consistency Update with RESNET Energy Modeling Director Neal Kruis Register at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7485982450608755727 The RESNET’s Software Consistency Committee (SCC) has been working towards improving consistency in HERS® Index calculations across software tools for two years now. On this webinar, RESNET’s Energy Modeling Director (and SCC Chair) will provide an overview of the accomplishments of the committee and present a roadmap of strategic improvements to enforce greater accuracy (and, consequently, consistency) moving forward. August 11, 2021, 2-3 PM Eastern Why HERS® Raters Should Pursue the ICC IECC/HERS® Compliance Specialist Designation Register at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1399120165211464208 RESNET and the International Code Council (ICC) have collaborated to create the new ICC IECC/HERS® Compliance designation. The designation is for those RESNET certified HERS® Raters and Rating Field Inspectors (RFIs) who have passed the ICC Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner certification. So, what are the benefits to HERS® Raters and RFIs in pursuing the ICC IECC/HERS® Compliance Specialist Designation? Join us to learn how this certification by ICC-the association of code officials and other building safety and sustainability professionals-could help you gain credibility with code officials amidst the increasing need for energy code verification. Learn about the business opportunities available to broaden your portfolio of services and increase your HERS® marketability to code officials and builders. Presenters for this webinar will be Mark Johnson, Executive Vice President, Director of Business Development, International Code Council, RESNET Director of Quality Assurance Administration and Standards Laurel Elam and RESNET Programs Director Ryan Meres. View recordings of previous webinars in the series at https://www.resnet.us/articles/register-for-2021-resnet-webinar-series-for-april-may-june/