Addendum 71, SEER/HSPF2 Conversions RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 approved Draft PDS-01 of MINHERS® Addendum 71, SEER2/HSPF2 Conversions, for public review and comment. The addendum amends the MINHERS Chapter 3 to add an exception to the requirements of standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 that will add necessary definitions for the new efficiency ratings and establish conversion factors to allow their use in HERS® rating software. The draft addendum, comment form, and comments received are posted at Draft PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 71, SEER2/HSPF2 Conversions. Public comments will be accepted from August 30, 2022, through September 29, 2022.