Have you had questions about whether a person who is claiming to be a certified RESNET HERS® Rater or Rating Field Inspector (RFI) is actually certified? To provide an answer to this question, RESNET has posted a portal on its website that will allow an interested person to determine the certification of a RESNET HERS® Rater or RFI and the status of that certification. By entering in the persons first and/or last name, the portal will indicate whether the person’s current certification status is active, the company’s name and mailing address and the Quality Assurance Provider’s name and contact information that certified the individual. This tool was posted to provide builders, code officials, program sponsors and prospective clients a quick and easy way to determine if the HERS® Rater or RFI is certified in good standing. To access the portal go to Verify that Your HERS® Rater or Rating Field Inspector is in good standing with RESNET.