There has been a virtual revolution in how a home’s energy performance can be tested and inspected. From drones in crawl spaces to apps, HERS® raters will have new tools that will save them time and result in more accurate results. WiFi devices are becoming standard in most of the equipment used and the apps that access the data are growing and becoming part of the testing procedures. A special feature of the 2017 RESNET Building Performance Conference is a track on New Technologies Changing Our Industry. The 2017 RESNET Conference offers a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about these opportunities. Nowhere else can you gain the information needed to understand these latest developments in the real estate HERS® industry. Sessions that will be offered on this subject include: The Shape of Things to Come – The Future of HERS® Ratings Into the Great Wide Open – Kicking HERS® Into Notches Unknown Conducting Quality Assurance Oversight Remotely Virtual Quality Assurance – Timely Feedback in a Long Distance Partnership There is an App for That – Now They do What? QA Genie goes Live! Model Calibration: Introduction, Benefits, and Standardization Smart Thermostats, Building Science, and the Connected Home RaterPRO Preview RESNET has posted the listing of core conference sessions along with a description of each session and each session’s presenters. To download the listing of sessions, click on 2017 RESNET Conference Core Conference Sessions Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest information and network with the leaders of the home energy rating and building performance industry. Be ALL IN! Register for the conference today at 2017 RESNET Conference Registration For more information go to 2017 RESNET Building Performance Conference