A key focus of the 2019 RESNET Building Performance Conference will be new technologies and building practices that are changing our industry. Nearly two dozen sessions cover the latest in indoor air quality, radiant barriers, buried ducts, airflow, HVAC, and ventilation. New this year is the session, KB Home ProjeKt – Tomorrow’s Housing Today. This session showcases the new futuristic home from RESNET Energy Smart Builder KB Home and its partners, as it breaks new ground in home building, transforming design, building partnerships, construction processes, and, ultimately, a household’s experience in a home and community, to shed light “where tomorrow lives,” for everyday buyers of new houses in new neighborhoods. Another exciting new session will be Midwest Trends: Using Big (HERS) Data to Understand Residential Construction. The session will review the data from a recent study of over 79,000 HERS® rated homes in the US Midwest, between 2014 and 2016, and explore the motivations and changes in energy features during that three-year timeframe. Other sessions that will be offered in new technologies and building practices include: Installed Performance IAQ Basics: Definitions and Testing HVAC 101 AirFlow 2019 The Great Debate on Indoor Air Quality – ASHRAE Standard 62.2 vs International Residential Code The Indoor Air Quality Score Ventilation and Dehumidification Geeks – Thermodynamics Always Wins Ventilation, and Airtightness in High Performance New and Existing Homes 3 Paths to Residential Fresh Air Connecting Energy Efficiency, Durability, Sustainability and Resilience to Design Building Envelopes New Roofing Technology-Eliminate Condensation in Optimized HVAC Designs with Radiant Barriers and Buried Ducts in High Performing Attics Greenstone Homes Net Zero Demonstration Project and the Lessons Learned Choosing Sustainable Materials: Science for Saving Energy, Water the Environment and Humanity Reviewing the Research: Making the Case for Mineral Fiber Insulation Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest information and network with the leaders of the home energy rating and building performance industry. RESNET has posted the listing of conference sessions along with a description of each session and each session’s presenters. To view, visit http://conference.resnet.us/program Let Us Go Forward Together. For more information and to register today, visit http://conference.resnet.us Remember – Early Bird Registration Discount Ends on January 24, 2019!