RESNET has launched its new podcast, RESTalk, a new exciting way to stay up-to-date on everything RESNET and HERS, including initiatives, standards, technical and building practice updates, marketing, and more. The podcast will feature interviews with RESNET staff and guests from throughout the rating and home building industries, discussing a wide range of topics including current events and new technologies. A new podcast will be aired every two weeks. Our Host – Bill Spohn RESTalk’s host is Bill Spohn, a podcast enthusiast. Bill is a committed building science proponent and registered professional engineer. He has over 30 years of experience in the HVAC industry and has interacted with RESNET since its founding. This provides a rare insight to RESNET and the building performance industry. “Enhancing the Quality of HERS® Ratings” In this episode, Bill welcomes RESNET’s Director of Quality Assurance Administration and Standards Laurel Elam, and Technical Director, Quality Assurance and Training Scott Doyle to discuss RESNET’s efforts aimed at enhancing the quality of HERS® ratings. Laurel and Scott will discuss the changes in the way quality assurance of HERS® Rating is done and what changes are anticipated in the future. So take a listen as Laurel and Scott talk about the dynamic evolution of RESNET’s quality assurance efforts. To listen to the podcast CLICK HERE. Subscribe for future episodes: iPhone App Download Stitcher (Android) Future RESTalk podcasts include: “RESNET New Water Efficiency Rating Standard and What It Means to You” – Ryan Meres, RESNET “Enhancing Consistency of HERS® Rating Software” – Steve Baden, RESNET”Investment in Growing the Demand for HERS® Ratings” – Valerie Briggs, RESNET RESNET’s web site will include an archive of RESTalk podcasts. To listen go to