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Legacy of Vibrant Product Stewardship Delivers Improved Health and Safety

Dec 17, 2021


On-Demand Webinar: How a Legacy of Vibrant Product Stewardship Delivers Improved Health and Safety with Angus Crane of NAIMA

The health profile of products used in the home is a growing concern for builders, architects, and specifiers with good reason. How much or how little we know about the constituent ingredients of products is critical to evaluating their health profile. The Fiber Glass and Mineral Wool industries were described 30 years ago as the next asbestos, but the industry had great faith in the efficacy of their products, so they invested in health and safety research that not only resulted in the removal of their products from cancer warning lists internationally and domestically but also established a solid record of scientific research and improvements in product performance.

Hear an update from Angus Crane on the fiberglass and mineral wool industries’ persistent commitment to responsible stewardship over their products, public health, and the environment.

Mr. Crane is Executive Vice President, General Counsel to the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA).  Prior to joining NAIMA, Mr. Crane was an environmental lawyer, and was appointed to an attorney position for the Appellate Section of the United States Department of Justice’s Environment and Natural Resources Division through the Attorney General’s Honor Law Graduate Program. Before his service with the Department of Justice, he served as a law clerk for the Idaho Supreme Court. Angus is a Truman Scholar and graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School.