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July 1, 2021 Updates and Changes to RESNET MINHERS® and ANSI Standards

Jun 14, 2021

RESNET standard development procedures require that major changes to the RESNET HERS® standards are implemented on January 1 and July 1 of each year.

On July 1, 2021 there are several major changes that will go into effect that will impact ratings. These are the implementation of the 2019 editions of Standards ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 and ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 and implementation of the new HVAC grading Standard ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC 310. Software accredited for compliance with Standard 301-2019 must be used for rating units with a building permit date of July 1, 2021, or later.

Other important changes that will affect the HERS® industry include new training and qualification requirements for HERS® Raters and RFIs who conduct HVAC grading; training and quality assurance requirements for the new HERS® Modeler certification; revised disciplinary criteria for Providers, Training Providers, and QADs, and other changes and updates to Chapters 1 and 2 of the MINHERS. 

All of the changes adopted went through the standard amendment public review and comments as required by RESNET’s consensus-based standards development process.  In addition there were a number of direct e-mails, webinars, and recorded RESNET 2021 Conference sessions to educate the network on the forthcoming changes.

A summary of the changes and access to the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards (MINHERS) and the RESNET ANSI standards can be accessed via the links below.

MINHERS® Addenda:

• MINHERS® Addendum 42 adopts Standards ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 and ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019 as the basis for the RESNET HERS.

• MINHERS® Addendum 52f establishes qualification and training requirements for Raters and RFIs who conduct HVAC grading.

• MINHERS® Addendum 50 establishes training and certification requirements for HERS® Modelers that become mandatory January 1, 2022 but are voluntary as of July 1, 2021.

• MINHERS® Addendum 37 amends and updates HERS® disciplinary requirements for Rating Quality Assurance Providers, Training Providers, and QADs.

• MINHERS® Addendum 45 updates and amends MINHERS® Chapters 1 and 2 and Appendix B, Glossary of Terms.

ANSI/RESNET Standards:

• ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019Addendum A-2019Addendum B-2020 – Major changes include: first time requirements for rating multi-family dwelling and sleeping units in buildings of all heights and the new capability to obtain credits based on the quality of HVAC installations. (Note: The Multi-Family Guidelines can no longer be used after January 1, 2022.)

• ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019 – Updates air leakage testing and ventilation testing requirements used by Standard 301-2019 to determine ratings.

• ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC 310-2020 – Establishes procedures for grading the quality of HVAC system installations that can be used to obtain credits for ratings determined by Standard 301-2019. Updated rating software programs that implement Standard 301-2019 and its addenda provide the calculation of credits based on the quality grade determined according to Standard 310-2020.