As many states and local code jurisdictions begin review of the redlined 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), RESNET would like to track which states are considering its adoption. RESNET staff are available to assist in bringing forward code amendments to improve the Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance path in a way that will grow your business opportunities through more HERS® Ratings. RESNET staff are currently assisting several states and jurisdictions in this process and encourage you to participate through your state or local home builders’ association in advocating for an improved HERS (ERI) compliance path. RESNET is looking to leverage the vast network of HERS Raters, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Modelers to engage in code adoption in their states. RESNET staff are available to provide assistance and guidance throughout the code review and adoption process. Being a part of the code adoption process can grow your knowledge of the energy code and make you a better subject matter expert for builders and code officials. RESNET can assist with the following: • HERS industry statistics for your state or jurisdiction • Data trends of HERS Rated homes to support or refute code amendment proposals • Draft code amendment language • Review of code amendment proposals • Education for builders and code officials on the HERS Rating process, HERS Carbon Index, HERSH2O®, WaterSense Labeled Homes, ENERGY STAR, DOE Zero Energy Ready Home, and the IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist Designation. Answers to the following questions would be useful to get things started • When is your state or jurisdiction reviewing the 2024 IECC for adoption • Does your state adopt the energy code at the state level (i.e., a statewide code) or is it up to local jurisdictions to adopt the code? • If your state has a statewide code, does it need to go through a legislative or regulatory process, or both? (A regulatory process typically means there is a state agency responsible for the review and adoption of new code editions) • Who in your company would be our main contact? If you’re interested in participating in this initiative or would like more information, please contact RESNET Program Manager Paulette McGhie, at 760-214-6637 or