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In Memory Chester Smith, The Founding Father of RESNET

Nov 10, 2021


RESNET has lost a great friend with the recent passing of Chester Smith.

Chester served as the first president of the RESNET Board in 1993.

Chester was passionate about tapping market forces to forward energy policy.  He served as the director of the Mississippi state energy office, was president of the Board of the National Association of State Energy Officials and help found Mississippi’s first home energy rating system.

Mr. Smith was instrumental in installing the cultural foundation that RESNET would be market-based and not be dependent upon government funding.  He always inspired the RESNET Board to be prepared for success and his most famous adage to the Board was “don’t be at the airport when our ship comes in”.

Chester will always be remembered by those who had the privilege to work with him for his wit and wisdom as well as his willingness to fight the good fight to protect RESNET and our industry.