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ICC Appoints Ryan Meres to IECC Residential Consensus Cmte Subcommittee

Dec 14, 2021


RESNET Program Director Ryan Meres has been appointed as a voting member on the Economics, Modeling, and Whole-Building Metrics Subcommittee for the IECC Residential Consensus Committee.

Serving as the Chair of this Subcommittee is Ian Finlayson, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency for the Massachusetts Office of Energy Resources and (Member of the RESNET Standards Development Committee (SDC) 300). Serving as the Vice-Chair is Brian Shanks, Manager National Accounts & Governmental Affairs for Beazer Homes USA, Inc. (RESNET Board of Directors)

The ICC Committees are the foundation upon which the system of the I-Codes, standards, and related services are built. The responsibilities of the committees include reviewing and evaluating proposed code change proposals for recommendation back to the Consensus Committee. Subcommittees are equally comprised of committee members and members of the public who applied successfully for selection. Subcommittees will review proposals, and the full committee will review their recommendations. Subcommittees follow the same requirement that no more than a third of seats are occupied by any one category, but no additional restrictions are applied with respect to governmental representatives.

Participation on this Subcommittee is an essential component of updating the IECC and a major opportunity to advance the vision and work required to help communities and the building sector meet energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction goals.

The scope of the Economics, Modeling, and Whole-Building Metrics Subcommittee is as follows:

• Determination of the methodology of cost-effectiveness and its application

• Analyzing consistency and levels of performance of energy efficiency and conservation between all existing and proposed compliance paths. This includes the application of additional energy efficiency compliance packages.

• Energy simulation software tools

• Climate Zones

• Whole Building Metrics

For more information, go to International Code Council Appoints Committees to Lead Energy Code Development