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Home Energy Ratings Featured at the 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference

Jan 14, 2016

The 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference offers a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about the latest developments in home energy ratings.  Nowhere else can you gain the information on the state-of-the-art of home energy ratings.

Sessions that will be offered on home energy ratings include:

  • All Things Are Not Equal –  Comparing the RESNET HERS® Index and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Home Energy Score
  • Best Ideas of the HERS® Industry – Insulate America and RESNET Awards Program
  • RESNET 101 – “What is RESNET and the HERS® Index? – A Primer for Beginners”
  • The Technical Basis of Calculating HERS® Index or I am Curious n(MEUL)- QAD Roundtable
  • RESNET Rater Trainer Roundtable
  • Practical Mechanics Under the New RESNET Multifamily Guidelines
  • Multi-Family Certifications: In the Trenches
  • HERS® Scores- a Stepping Stone Toward Green Certification
  • Opt, Opt, and Away: Identifying Cost-Optimal HERS® Index Scores
  • A New Frontier for RESNET – Expanding RESNET’s Services to Rural America
  • How the U.S. Army Is Using the HERS® Score to Incentivize Energy Reduction
  • Beyond the HERS® Index: Exploring Data and Marketing Opportunities
  • OSHA- Understanding & Outreach for the New “Confined Space in Construction” Rule
  • Who’s Buying High Performance Homes and How Can You Target Them?
  • Infrared Camera Skills for the Building Thermographer
  • Making the Grade: What the Insulation Grading Process Isn’t Telling You about Installation

RESNET has posted the listing of core conference sessions along with a description of each session and each session’s presenters.  To download the listing of sessions, click on 2016 RESNET Conference Core Conference Sessions

Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest information and network with the leaders of the home energy rating and building performance industry.

Join the Commitment to Excellence.  Register for the conference today at 2016 RESNET Conference 

Remember January 16, 2016 is the deadline for the special “early bird” conference registration discount. 

For more information go to 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference