RESNET® and our strategic allies are urging the home energy rating industry and its construction industry clients to lend their voice to protect the 45L Energy Efficient Homes Tax Credit. Extended through 2032 by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the 45L tax credit provides builders up to $2,500 for homes certified under EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and $5,000 for homes certified under DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Home program. The tax credit saves homebuyers’ energy costs while boosting the demand for high performance energy efficient homes. Besides these energy savings, the tax credit drives business for builders and contractors creating American jobs across the nation. With the recent election all the clean energy tax provisions of the IRA are at stake. As the new Congress has convened, by being part of the IRA the 45L tax credit will be scrutinized for possible reductions or even elimination. RESNET has drafted a letter to the leadership of the tax writing House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee urging the continuation of the 45L federal tax credit. Adding your voice to the support for 45L credit is critical. Add your name to a letter to Congress today to ensure this tax credit will help keep its powerful benefits. Make your voice heard today! For more information and view the draft letter go to HELP DEFEND THE 45L ENERGY EFFICIENT HOMES TAX CREDIT! ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LETTER TO CONGRESS!