Exciting growth has been happening in the home energy rating industry over the past several years. RESNET® has seen a 129 percent increase in HERS® Ratings submitted to the RESNET® Registry since 2013, with year-over-year increases for the past decade. In 2022, there were over 337,000 HERS® Ratings. conducted and uploaded to the RESNET® Registry. Last year RESNET® published the third edition of its ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301, which now includes a new RESNET Carbon Rating Index®. The GreenHome Institute webinar will include a brief overview of Standard 301, the new Carbon Rating Index®, some of last year’s data trends in HERS® Rated homes, and the 45L tax credits for ENERGY STAR and Zero Energy Ready Homes. Ryan Meres has 16 years of experience in energy and water efficiency, energy policy, and building energy codes. As the Program Director for RESNET®, Ryan currently leads numerous programs, including the implementation of RESNET®’s HERSH2O® whole-house water efficiency standard; initiatives to get energy and water efficiency valued in the real estate transaction process, and oversees RESNET®’s National Buildings Registry. Ryan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the Savannah College of Art and Design and lives in Hubert, NC with his wife and their three children. For more information and to register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/new-carbon-index-other-exciting-growth-in-the-home-energy-rating-industry-tickets-658132691597