Gayathri Vijayakumar Appointed as Chairwoman of the RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 – Technical e e The RESNET Standards Management Board has appointed Gayathri Vijayakumar to serve as the chairwoman of the RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 – Technical (SDC 300). The SDC 300 is responsible to oversee and amend RESNET’s technical standards. The committee is responsible for the oversight of the RESNET/ICC ANSI Standard 301 and the RESNET/ANSI Standard 380 which are both cited in the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. Vijayakumar is a Principal Mechanical Engineer at Steven Winter Associates, Inc., a RESNET Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider. She graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a BS in Engineering Science and from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a MS in Mechanical Engineering and a Graduate Certificate in Energy Policy and Management. Vijayakumar, an ASHRAE-certified Building Energy Modeling Professional, HERS® Rater, and RESNET QA Designee Delegate, currently provides technical support to the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Multifamily High Rise program and has over 10 years of experience supporting ENERGY STAR certification of units in multifamily buildings. She was previously the vice chair of the SDC 300 and is chair of the SDC 300’s Multifamily Subcommittee, and is currently is a member of the ASHRAE 62.2 Multifamily working group. e