RESNET is launching a series of great webinars in 2015. The webinars are free to the RESNET network. Learn valuable information on the latest trends in the rating industry. Take advantage of these opportunities to watch, learn and ask questions of our business experts. The RESNET webinars are listed below: June 24th 2 p.m. EDT- “Developing RESNET’s New Water Efficiency Rating System” presented by Jacob Atalla, KB Home; Steve Baden, RESNET; and Ed Osann, Natural Resources Defense Council Water is the new frontier for RESNET and HERS® Raters. In many parts of the nation water is fast becoming a scarce commodity. There is clearly a need for a system to rate a home’s efficiency in water use. This will allow homebuyers to know how efficiently water is being used in the homes they are considering to buy. It will also provide an opportunity for homebuilders to monetize the efficiency of their homes. RESNET is beginning the process of developing a rating system for the water efficiency of residential buildings. This Webinar will explain: why RESNET is undertaking this effort how the process to develop RESNET standards and procedures will work what opportunities this presents to HERS® Raters and builders Click on to register for the webinar September 23rd 2 p.m. EDT- “RESNET HERS® Index and the 2015 IECC” presented by Steve Baden, RESNET and Mark Johnson, ICC An increasing number of code jurisdictions have adopted a HERS® Index Score compliance option to their energy codes. The 2015 IECC will include an Energy Rating Index option. The awareness of home energy ratings is growing among code officials. With this awareness comes new business opportunities for certified RESNET HERS® Raters. RESNET has entered into a partnership with the International Code Council and this Webinar will explore this new opportunity for Raters. Click on to register for the webinar November 4th 2 p.m. EDT- “Creating Consistency: Uncovering the REM Inputs that are Screwing Up Your Ratings” presented by Glenn Pease and Tom Flanagan, EnergyLogic Through our work as a national RESNET QA Provider, EnergyLogic consistently runs into 1/10 QA files that fail their QA reviews due to huge HERS® swings caused by seemingly trivial REMrate inputs. This session will uncover these Most Valuable Player REM/Rate inputs to help Raters focus efforts on creating consistent, repeatable, and highly accurate HERS® ratings in the future. Incorporating these techniques into your rating workflow will not only help you pass your annual QA more consistently, but will help guide the industry to more repeatable HERS® scores throughout the country. Click on to register for the webinar