Our Energy Rater live workshop will prepare candidates to take the required RESNET exams and covers Energy Rater, Live Workshop subject matter ranging from building science to business operations. We use innovative training techniques to create the highest level of knowledge transfer for our students, resulting in a much higher than average pass rate on the National Exam. The first week includes three tests, lectures, and more. The second week focuses on practical application and preparation for the final exam. A background in construction, engineering or inspections is recommended, but not required. Our live workshop will be held in Seguin, TX. The least expensive way to become a great Rater is to be trained by a great Trainer! Week 1 Simulation Preparation and Exams. July 9-13th, 2018 Monday-Friday. Week 2 Field Training and Final Exam. July 16-20th, 2018 Monday-Friday. Call us at 423-838-5095 or email at info@thedillongroupinc.com With any questions you may have or if you are ready to sign up!